Sunday, January 9, 2011

the sweetest sound

big breakthrough in the baby laughing department!  as of yesterday, baby consistently cracks up at peek a boo!  at best it is difficult to get her to laugh and most of the time it is just downright impossible.  so this is fabulous news because i'm completely obsessed with her laugh.  i'm pretty sure most every mother is obsessed with their baby's laugh, but just in case that's not a given, i thought i'd mention it anyways.

other good news is that baby went through a time where she used to fuss or cry for a few minutes before settling down to sleep and a few weeks ago she decided to stop it cold turkey.  i know it's not a big deal for your kid to cry for a few minutes at nap time but when baby cries, her big eyes fill up with tears and her lip sticks out about four inches and she makes the mamamama sound.  it's really precious and really sad.  i'm not totally sure on this because it's never happened but i think it would be far less precious and sad if she used the dadadadada sound instead.

so there you go on baby sounds.  now i'm going to go.  church starts in 30 minutes and i need to get ready.

1 comment:

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I want to find Fox's secret to laughing! Lucky you to find hers! Laughing is the sweetest sound.