Tuesday, January 25, 2011

baby's baby blues

i'm not one to notice eye color.  ever.  on anyone.  including myself.  

but i knew my baby had blue eyes.  because it's pretty obvious.  because when i look at her eyes, i see my honey.  and for poor baby daddy, the blue eyes are his only claim to fame.  the rest of the face is mine.

so i feel like it's pretty normal to look at a picture of baby and notice that her eyes are pretty blue.  like in this picture right here.

if you can't really see it, maybe this picture will help you out a bit.

yikes right?  i know it's terribly overexposed because baby lunged at the camera right as i was taking this picture but really, i have not edited this picture one single bit.  absolutely nothing.  straight out of the camera.  pretty amazing right?  i wonder if her eyes will stay that blue.  or even blue at all.

anyone else have that electric slide song stuck in their head right now?  it comes to mind when i look at this picture.  which is unfortunate.  because that song is unfortunate.

oh, and a question for you.  anyone else's kid assume this position as soon as you put them in a bumbo?

what're you supposed to do about this?  it shouldn't bother me but i'm a little particular about how i like things and this doesn't bode well with my ocd tendencies...  


Diana C. said...

the girl I nanny for would immediately twist as soon as she was placed in one of things. We would just try and hurry and feed her or sometimes tag team it to hold her still. I don't have a better solution for you. sorry!

Lydia said...

She is so pretty! I owe our babies' blues to hubby as well...not yours, mine Haha. Have you tried duct tape to strap baby girl straight??? Duct tape fixes everything =)