Saturday, October 23, 2010

we're a two pumpkin family... with a jumper

last night gave me flash backs of the previous friday night.  it wasn't terrible but i was feeling down even after trying to salvage my mood with nutella and banana crepes.  i decided that although they were delicious, they were kind of difficult (my non-stick pan is having some identity issues) and i think i just prefer nutella plain.  anyways, i went to bed before ten.  even though at one point i was 100% sure i was going to get out of bed again.  but it didn't happen and then i woke up sometime around nine this morning.  i sure know how to live it up on a friday night.

kids are so perplexing.  they're just constantly changing so it's like meeting a new person every day.  my kid has started occasionally singing/moaning (sounds like a wounded animal... really it's precious) before naps.  and occasionally she'll wake up at night.  not sure what that's about.  it's been going on for maybe a week... maybe a little more?  could just be from this growth spurt but that seems to be a really long growth spurt.  or it could be that we started giving her awake time late at night (10 or 11pm) so that honey can spend time with her.  or maybe it's just that she's getting older.  last night after baby had been asleep for an hour, she woke up crying.  this was very unusual and i was pretty confused.  so i went in and gave her kisses for a few minutes and gave her a very awkward hug and i walked out and she was fine.  she went right back to sleep.  i thought for sure there was no way it would work since i didn't even pick her up but i guess she just needed a little comfort?  i dunno... i'm sure she's too young to have separation anxiety and she doesn't know about object permanence yet.  but as i've said before, she's got something extra.  she just knows.  (yes, i realize i'm vague and difficult to follow.)  anyways, it was a sweet moment.  i absolutely love things like that.

when i worked at the daycare preschool in colorado, there was a little girl there that i absolutely LOVED.  with kailee, it was love at first sight and then love every sight after that too.  she was in my one year old classroom and then when i moved to a two year old classroom her parents requested that she come to my class when she got old enough.  baby girl reminds me a lot of kailee.  anyways, i've stayed in touch with kailee's parents.  they are very generous and thoughtful.  a few months ago they sent me a few nursing covers, and they sent baby girl this jumper.  they wanted to buy a gift for baby girl that kailee had absolutely loved as a baby.  this thing got incredible reviews online so even though it takes up 75% of the free space we have had in our apartment, i think it will be great. 

and i got sick of honey telling me that our kid needed more stimulation.

check out that war zone.  i swear things were clean before i opened the box... but when your apartment is only about 10 ft by 10 ft, it seems to get cluttered pretty fast.

 oh yeah, that's our couch cushion under her feet.

 because she can't QUITE reach the ground... even at the lowest setting. 

 and when i say QUITE, i actually mean that she's a good four or five inches off the ground.

 what an angel.  and see the golden oreos, nutella with spoon, and baby timer?  i told you, i don't lie.

baby girl was having traction difficulties so i took her feet out of the footies and replaced the sofa cushion with our wedding photo album box.  works great.

this morning we went to the EV (that's where we live) pumpkin patch that they do every year.  they give every family a pumpkin (and three pieces of candy!  per person... not per family...) so now we're back to having two pumpkins.  honey tried to convince me that he should carve them today.  i said no.  hopefully i can hold him off for a while so the mold doesn't devour us before halloween.  who knew he would be so anxious to carve every pumpkin he could get his hands on?!?!

 kids were invited to come in costume and who were we to deprive baby of that opportunity?!?!

 looking thrilled as usual.

and a cheesy shot of us sitting on a bail of hay.  and my right foot was replaced by a pumpkin.

anyways, i'll write more later.  but now i need to wake up a honey and a baby because we're going to be late for the football game!  let's hope we don't get rained on.


Emily Jones said...

Carrie! I LOVE you! Of course you can invite yourself to come visit me...except you were already invited. Are you being serious? Because that would just be amazing.
I loved finally being able to look through your blog again. You have such a beautiful family.

Unknown said...

friday nights for me are spent doing laundry and going to bed early. we're really living it up!