Thursday, October 7, 2010

we made it!

we're in georgia!!!  atlanta to be exact. 

the trip went pretty well.  everyone on the plane was so very nice.  the lady across the aisle kept commenting on how pretty my baby was and her husband kept making faces at baby girl to make her smile.  and i ended up sitting next to these skater punk rock love birds.  they had tatoos all over and looked pretty rough but they had such a good sense about them.  i felt it from the very first second.  so they were awesome and really put me at ease.  they even told me my baby had a cute cry which i think may have been a lie.  i mean, i LOVE my kid's cry.  i ENJOY when she cries (not in a mean way) because it looks and sounds so precious and i can always make it stop so then it makes me feel oh so powerful too... like i'm a miracle worker.  and the flight attendants were really nice as well.  the only time i got a single rude comment was as we were taxiing and baby was getting pretty upset.  she'd been awake for 2 hours already (she only got 5 or 6 hours last night anyways) and she hadn't eaten since last night (i know i probably should have fed her but she won't eat if she's not hungry and for the sake of her ears, i had to guarantee she would eat at take off) so really she had been very patient.  BUT she started her little cry as we were taxiing and by the time the plane was gaining speed she was really angry that i wasn't feeding her.  that's when the jerk from two rows back shouted "CAN SOMEONE SHUT THAT BABY UP?" and let me tell you that i asolutely love that IT DID NOT BOTHER ME ONE SINGLE BIT. 

he was traveling with 2 or 3 of his friends to someone's wedding and he sounded drunk although maybe that's just his personality because it WAS only 7am.  they'd already loudly discussed quality movies such as hangover and corky ramano.  they were practicing his best man's speech loudly too.  it went something like this "DUDE, don't do it!  you're 22, she's 35.  it's a bad move.  we tried to warn you."  and really i could go on but i won't because it's not worth my time or yours.  but they did manage to shower all of us passengers with really colorful language and stimulating visuals before we even took off.  so as bad as it is to judge, i'd already formed my opinion about this group.  but i really believe that was a good thing because when that comment came,  i knew it was just as intelligent as everything else out of this guy's mouth and had no problem disregarding it.  it was fabulous.

wow, my posts seriously have no sense of direction.  hmmm, much like my head.

so anyways, baby was great.  she slept most all of the time.  pooped twice.  umm have you ever tried to fit a big human (that's me), little human (that's babygirl), and a diaper bag in a tiny airplane bathroom?  i did.  and it went just fine.  BUT changing baby's diaper, cleaning up her blowout, and dressing her in a new outfit...on the super disfunctional changing table and then using the bathroom myself... um, i found it difficult.  THAT BATHROOM IS TINY!  like i was standing on my diaper bag because my feet were so big that there was not enough floor space for them.  next time you're in an airplane bathroom, measure it.  i would be interested in knowing those stats.  i would do it on sunday when we fly back but i have no intention of going in there.  i will double diaper my kid and pray she doesn't poop.  that's how i plan to accomplish that task.

i don't even know if i'm making sense so i'm going to stop trying to tell my airplane story.  it's all getting jumbled anyways.

HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART OF THIS BLOG POST!!!  this is where i say thank you for sharing mothering fail moments with me!!!  honestly, they made me want to cry that's how much i appreciated them.  especially yours cherie... maybe because it involved gravity and a baby.  and because you're hiding it from judgemental people and i'm all for that kind of parenting behavior. 

okay that's all.

ps- if you haven't shared a mothering fail story yet, don't worry, you still can!  and as i said, feel free to share someone else's story!


Catherine O. said...

Carrie, have you always been this hilarious?? Maybe we haven't hung out enough, even though we've known each other our WHOLE lives. I seriously look forward to reading your posts! I love the double diapering theory - you'll have to let me know how it goes :)

Diana C. said...

Aww I'm jealous you're in atlanta and I'm not. glad that flying went well. Love you miss you!