Wednesday, October 6, 2010

F - -

tonight i had one of those "i'm a really bad mother" moments.  in general i think i'm a fabulous mom.  but if tonight was a graded assignment, i would have gotten an F minus minus.  name that phrase...

anyways, it made me so sad that i wish i could erase it from my memory.  don't you hate it when things happen and you know you just have to wait it out until it's not in the front of your mind anymore?  i think it's the worst.

on a happier note.  baby and i are flying to georgia in about eight hours.  i'm a little nervous for the flight.  especially after my mothering fail tonight.  so wish me luck.

we'll be gone til sunday night and i'm not sure if i'll be able to post while i'm gone BUT rest assured that i'll be having the time of my life (except that i'll be missing my honey like crazy because i've already been experiencing the separation anxiety for over 24 hours already) at papa's 90th birthday party on saturday.

send me happy thoughts!  not that i'm demanding or anything but uhh, i need to see some more comments on here.  my love for you is directly related to how often you comment on my blog.  don't believe me?  try it out.

and if you want me to really really love you.  share a mothering fail moment.  it doesn't even have to be your own.  but really, i'd like to hear a few right now.



Unknown said...

lol once i typed F--- into a chat, meaning F minus minus minus, but it definitely looked like I was swearing :\
Sorry I don't have any mothering fail moments...yet. I'll let you know when I do though, because I'm pretty sure I will within the first week or two.

Cherie said...

Okay, here goes. By the way, I read this post after posting my own today that is along those lines. Thanks for being honest :) I had a mothering fail last week. Remember my picture of my sweet baby with a big boo boo on his forehead? Well, remember how I said he fell into a bin? While that is true, it's not the entire story. I have some rather judgemental family members that I'd rather not know that this little incident was my fault because I'd get a nice lecture about it. When we were out of town at our friends house I needed to put Parker down for a nap. Her baby was sleeping in the pack n play so she told me I could use her baby's crib. Well, her baby is only 4 months old so her crib is still on the top setting. I worried about this so I put cushions down on the floor in front of the crib just in case he decided to climb out. I sang him songs and gave him his froggie he sleeps with just like usual. I put him down and he turned his head to the side which usually means he's going right to sleep. I stepped out of the room and stood next to the door to listen in case he needed me because he was in a strange place. I wasn't standing there 2 minutes and I heard a thunk and a scream. He had fallen out the end of the crib that I hadn't put cushions down on (of course) and fell into a bin. It didn't have any sharp corners or anything, but I guess he just fell in just the right way that he cut his head open. Now, Brody's never even had a skinned knee because I may be a little overprotected. So, you can imagine my horror when I pick up my baby and his head is bleeding profusely. It was terrible. Big mothering fail. Reminder: Never put a baby who can stand up in a crib on the highest setting. Maybe one of the dumbest things I've ever done. The good news is, kids are resilient, he is fine, and aside from a little scar that may stay on his forehead, he'll never remember that experience. So, give yourself a break :) Have fun in Georgia! I'll miss you posts :)

Cindy said...

I'm not even a parent yet but I make poor parenting decisions all of the time. For example, eating that sandwhich with deli meat in the 3rd trimester even though I'm sure it was not heated until steaming, or pushing with all my might on my baby in hopes that she'll move so that I can be more comfortable, or the fact that I am doing everything that I can think of in an attempt to coerce her out of my body. She'll forgive you and you'll forgive her. No one is perfect! At least that's what I tell myself :).

Jeff said...

Your biggest fan here. I have PLENTY of failing mothering moments that I can share with you this weekend. One happened just last week and I DO NOT like that Skye is old enough to potentially remmeber my failings now. The good thing is that Abby will never know.

megan b. said...

so halle was like nine months old and the most special girl ever. she could sit and roll and all that good stuff. we were living at my in-laws house at the time. i was getting ready to go to the grocery store and put halle on the end of our bed to put my other shoe on. except the shoe couldn't be found right in front of me like i thought so i turn my back to look around a bit and then i hear screaming. i whip around and miss halle is on the ground. i have no idea how she got there in a matter of seconds. she screams for about 3 minutes and then nurses gets tired and falls asleep. crisis over right? wrong. she woke up from her nap grumpy and would not hold anything with her right hand. she whined every time i moved it. so i thought we'll wait it out and see if it is better in the morning. she slept like a champ so i thought she was fine the next day. took her shirt off and the right shoulder was swollen. so i took her to the pediatrician, he took one look at it and said she broke her collar bone. we were sent to xrays and sure enough her right collar bone had snapped in half. probably was the worst day of my life. i have never felt so horrible and it was a definite mother f'n fail! can you believe the only time she ever cried about it was for a few minutes after it happened? when your baby can roll do not put them on anything above ground level without watching them so carefully!!

Anonymous said...

Oh to pick just one is hard...LoL. For the first few weeks I hit Adalie's head on almost every door way because I wasn't used to something sticking out a little (her head) from the side of my arm. Once while loading Adalie (about 10 mths) into the car after a grocery trip, I let her play with the keys while I put all the groceries in the back. As soon as I shut the door, Adalie pressed the LOCK button on the key chain and locked me out of the car. I spent 20 mins trying to get her to press the unlock button and was just about to call for help when she magically pressed the right button. She has fallen down the stairs...on more than one occasion, out of her crib, my arms, and even in the bathtub. And that is just baby #1 with many more stories to her name about my failings...She will turn out just fine and only remember the good things don't you worry!! Kids will be kids and moms will be moms, with lots of mistakes in between from both!

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