Wednesday, October 13, 2010

field trip to a pumpkin patch

here's a traditional blog post for you.

baby and i went on a field trip with biz kids this morning to a pumpkin patch in half moon bay.  i think i've mentioned biz kids before.  it's the group for all of the business school kids.  i went to all of the biz kids activities last year with the boys i nannied for even though that's technically not how it's supposed to work but i paid the dues and the biz kids president was okay with it so whatever.  now, i'm having a lot of fun going with baby girl.  the activites vary from week to week.  story time, music time, play dates, craft activites, field trips, etc.

well, the pumpkin patch was super cute and even though it wasn't geared towards three month olds, baby and i had fun walking around and hanging out with everyone.  i like to tell myself that she enjoyed it and that the sights and sounds were good for her development.  i don't like to tell myself that baby girl probably hates me for making her skip her morning nap every wednesday.  don't worry.  when we got home, i let her sleep for over 4.5 hours before waking her up to eat.  see, i have a conscience.

anyways, here are some pictures from the day.

ps- isn't baby's outfit precious?  my wonderful mother got it for her.  strangers where giggling at its cuteness.  i was amused.


Jeff said...

I love all the pictures! There are some great ones! Looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

She is precious! I want to go to the Pumpkin patch now...

Unknown said...

looks like tons of fun! are you going to dress baby girl up for halloween as something, or just halloweeny?

Sara said...

I love a pumpkin patch.

And they're even more fun when you get to take children there.

I'm going to one in a couple weekends and I plan to frolic like a child.