Sunday, October 3, 2010


i thought general conference was wonderful.

even baby girl got in on the action.  but only for about as long as it took me to yell kindly tell my honey that tv isn't good for babies and that our child will still feel the spirit even if she just listens to our church leaders instead of watching them too.  honey took this picture with his blackberry.  if you look closely you'll notice that the left hand is honey's and the right hand is mine.  y'know how we have trouble sharing our baby?  well, if you ever see that she has a small tear down her middle, you'll know it's because we were each tugging a little too hard...

what was your favorite part of conference?


For the Love of French said...

That my husband went to the Priesthood session after he told me for the whole day that he wasn't going to go!

Karen said...

my favorite part was eating warm cinnamon crumb cake fresh out of the oven during the sunday morning session, but i also loved the primary president's talk, one of the first talks in conference. sorry for the lack of capital letters. one arm is cuddling my sweet little boy as i blog.