Sunday, October 17, 2010


did you know oreos float?  i mean for a long long time.  chips ahoy float for a while but then they start to sink (and then i snatch them up and shove them in my mouth!) which oreos float and float and float and then finally i give up and eat them anyways.  i used to really enjoy oreos but ever since my recent experience with golden oreos, i'm having a hard time with the regulars ones.  i'm not prejudice... i'm just sayin'.

y'know what really annoyed me the other day?  i went to cvs and i didn't like the cashier.  i could just tell she was one of those people that didn't really feel like doing a good job at her job and so she just did whatever was easiest for her.  i saw it when she rung something up for this old lady and then the old lady found another coupon she wanted to use and the cashier lady said no can do because it had already been rung up.  i wanted to step in and tell that cashier to cancel the order and ring it up again because we all know it's possible and it's part of her job to make that old lady happy.  i was severely annoyed but i felt it wasn't my place so i stayed out of it. 

well, then it was my turn.  something screwed up (i was using my brand new cvs card that i'd just gotten 5 minutes earlier) when she rang up my purchases so she had to ring it up again (i asked her nicely/told her/made her).  well, when i got home i noticed that she didn't scan my coupon i'd given her!  ummm i was buying toothpaste and candy corn.  and there was only one coupon!  so she's either incompetent or dishonest.  and i'm 75 cents poorer than i should be.  go ahead and say it's my fault for not checking the receipt more closely but sometimes it's tricky to know how much you should be paying because here in sucky california sales tax is 9.25% so it's TOTALLY NORMAL to be paying way more than what you'd previously added up in your head.  i wish i wasn't bitter about it but i am.  i now hold a grudge towards cvs... especially the one in mountain view.  and especially that lady.  i hope it was just an accident because i have bad feelings in my heart towards her.

now you know why i've been so down lately.  it's because a cvs cashier can ruin my weekend!  i bet she has no idea of the power she holds...

AND friday morning, i opened up a new pair of contacts.  well saturday morning i went to put them in and the left one had a tear!  AFTER ONE DAY!  but y'know the great part is that it was my left contact and not my right.  for a reason too long and boring to explain, this is a good thing and it was my silver lining.  the more i read what i write, the more i wonder if i should be diagnosed with something.  ummm...

our home teachers came over tonight and commented on what a clean apartment we have and how impressive it was.  it made my day.  if my apartment is clean, then life is good.  when i nannied this past year i could judge how good of a day i was having by how clear their house was.  clean places make me happy and they normally mean i've been on time, haven't spilled anything, etc.  the ultimate is having a clean kitchen.  if my kitchen is clean then i'm okay with life.  everything else is just an added bonus.  sometimes i'll even just shove all of my mess in one place so i can hang out where it's clean.  doesn't totally make sense but it works for me.

honey carved our pumpkins tonight.  he said he had to because they were getting soft.  doesn't make sense since we'll have to throw them out in three days when they're rotting.  for that reason, i'll try to get a few pictures in the next day or two while they live out their final days.

church today was nice.  i have greater appreciation for sitting on the back row of relief society since that one time i almost died.  baby girl was so nice at church.  she's getting better at dealing with no sleep.  she only took a 20 minute power nap but i guess it was enough because she was so pleasant for the whole three hours.  even the two girls sitting next to me commented afterwards on how well behaved she was and asked if she was that good all the time.  i think baby girl works as reverse birth control. 

i even had some lady in walmart strike up a full on conversation with me about how much i loved motherhood.  she was kind of suspicious though.  she didn't have a cart with her and she happened to be by the checkout lines and she had some sort of ipad looking device that she occasionally made notes on.  i would have asked her what it was for (i'm guessing some type of research... i'm all for that being a psych major and all) but she was obviously trying to be discreet so i just went along with it like i had no clue what she was doing.  she did say about twenty times though that she couldn't wait to be a mom.  and the guy behind me kept mumbling/grunting about how i still had 40 years to go and wait til baby girl was a teenager and all.  i'm sure he was well intentioned but i chose to ignore him/chuckle and look away.  i was tempted to ask how many kids he had but thought better of it.

y'know how a million times a day honey says "let's go wake our baby up!" (when i wrote about that before i tried to count how many times he said it and just between then and when we went to bed, less than an hour and a half, he said it over eight times) he's said "why aren't we snuggling?!?!" and it's been so funny.  he has a strange sense of humor but it gets me every time. 

k, well, i can't remember what i was actually going to write about but my fingers are actually tired and honey's been waiting for a while.  and he just texted me a   : (   face so i gotta wrap it up! 



Unknown said...

i think your random posts about random happenings are my favorite

Jenna said...

Since you mentioned Oreos, I thought you should know. I went to Target the other night just to get milk. They're Oreos were on sale for 2.50. Now I don't know if that same sale is going on in CA, but I thought I would let you know. =)

Sara said...

I, too, have had a poor cashier experience at CVS. I vowed never to go there again. I think I had to return a week later.

It's a small town.

P.S. I like that your baby power naps.