Saturday, October 23, 2010

what a guy

i know some of you have those really deluxe husbands that are master chefs and make homemade bread and cookies from scratch.  i do not have one of those.  he makes cookies from a betty crocker mix in a bag.  and when it calls for a 1/2 cup of butter and he asks me how to measure that.  so i tell him he can look in the back of our fridge for stick butter (because we have that now since my most recent trip to safeway!), or use a measuring cup to measure out margarine from the tub (doesn't that sound disgusting?) in the fridge [he looked at me like those options were a little too much work], or use applesauce (and i tried to tell him this would make it extra moist and delicious although i'm not sure that it even substitutes well in this case).  as i was eating the finished product i asked him if he ended up using butter or margarine (because we all knew the applesauce was not going to happen.  his response?


oh. my. goodness.


this is domestic honey's impressive multitasking.  watching the avs (that's the colorado game on his computer while dumping oil dough on a cookie sheet.  there's the man i fell in love with.  mmmm.  oil cookies.

and what is it about tv that makes it so mesmerizing to kids?  i know it looks like we set her up to watch hockey but really, even if we have her back to it, she's got this go go gadget neck that can do a complete 180.  she's just a hockey fan i guess.

speaking of...  my fantasy hockey team is sucking it up.  out of the twelve of us playing, i think my team has less than half the points of the NEXT lowest team.  ummm seriously?  my players are failing me this week and it's giving team PINK a bad name.  things better get shape up soon or we're going to have some major trades next week.

honey is using kettle corn to lure me into a redbox.  gotta go.


Diana C. said...

If people didn't know what redbox was that last statement would seem really weird. :)

Anonymous said...

WoW!! Did he like the oil cookies?!!? And that picture of baby Abbie with Chris watching hockey is sooooo adorable!!