Saturday, October 2, 2010

writing on this blog spares my honey from having to listen to all of this nonsense

i got bagels at safeway yesterday and i've already eaten three.  they are delicious and so super soft.  it's like munching on a cloud.

baby and i went to a stanford swim meet on campus today.  i packed a sandwich, apples, and milk for lunch and ate half of it at the meet, fed baby, and then ate the rest.  yum.  then we walking home we stopped by one of the courtyards and hung out with my friends for a while.  that's what i did today from 2:30 to 6:00.  by the way, the weather was so absolutely phenomenal and could not have been more perfect.

on honey's way home he stopped at dave's apartment to watch the recorded byu utah state game so i went over and joined them to watch the saddest football game ever.  if i've said it once, i've said it a million times... i'm not sure why but i just have never loved byu football.  it's just not in me.  but stanford football?  it was love at first sight.  anyways, kolana made a delicious dinner and fed me a giant piece of chocolate cake too.  so that's what i did from 7:00 to 10:15.

do you ever miss someone before they've even left?  that's how i've felt about baby girl all day.  i mean, i do get that way with her before bedtime and sometimes before naps.  but today it was just all day long.  i didn't want her out of my sight or out of my arms.  is it selfish that even after spending all day with her, i still make honey share her with me in the evenings?

baby is "talking" so so much these days.  we just repeat sounds back and forth to each other and it's hard to say which one of us gets a bigger kick out of it.  i think i heard her laugh for the first time the other day but i'm not sure.  she's always smiling and gurgling and cooing.  we tried to get it on camera tonight and turns out baby girl is camera shy.  she froze up with a deer in the headlights look.  it made wonder if she is my child.  she was kind of resembling my non-blogging sister...  but then again maybe it just fits because my niece is basically my clone.  swapping kid qualities?  (hmm did you have trouble following that too?)

remember how i'm doing fantasy hockey?  well, i got the first round draft pick!  i'm a naturally lucky person so this didn't surprise me too much but it was still fun.  i got the best player in the nhl.  poor honey, he was 11 out of 12 but he still got really good players, including my favorite player (paul stastny just in case you were wondering) which makes me sad and also makes me realize that i should have put him higher up on my list since he's my favorite player and all.  oh well.  next time.

my stomach is huge.  i need to stop eating so much chocolate.  or how bout just i need to stop eating so much.  eating is basically my full time job.  caring for my child is my part time job. but really, i have a very large stomach.  i'm afraid to go in public without my child because i don't want anyone asking me when i'm due.  this is a problem.

i'm so excited it's conference weekend.  nothing makes me want to be in utah like conference.  my plan for tomorrow is to watch conference, nap, watch conference, watch stanford football.  i probably won't leave my apartment tomorrow and i'm okay with that.  the weather is supposed to be great, but that's alright.  i'm sure monday will bring fine weather too.

baby did an awesome job today sleeping while we were out!  the best she's done in weeks!  she pooped all over her miracle blanket this morning during her first nap.  so i put it in the wash and decided it was non-essential to be home for an afternoon nap since she wouldn't have her miracle blanket anyway.  she fell asleep her in stroller and stayed asleep for close to two hours!  later she fell asleep in her stroller for 30 minutes before she had an "are we there yet?  yes we are." moment at the courtyard playground but i was missing her so i was happy for the opportunity/excuse.  and by 6:30 she was soooo tired that i stuck her in her moses basket (which i barely use these days) because i wanted her close where i could see her instead of far away upstairs in her crib (i told you, i was just really really missing her even though she was under my nose all day) and she fell asleep in about 3 minutes.  and that was when honey was texting me to go to dave and kolana's so i just grabbed the basket and carried her over there and she stayed asleep the whole way over and for the entire game until it was time for her to eat!  WOW!  i won't get my hopes up, but maybe she'll get better at this again...  who knows?

baby seems to not be eating as much as she normally does and it's leaving me pretty full since i already had more than enough milk to go around.  it makes me feel itchy from the inside out.  is anyone else familiar with this sensation?  i'll put this on my list of "things relating to nursing that i never would have anticipated."

anyways,  here are some pictures for you!  enjoy!

i thought this picture was hilarious

i used to take these pictures when i was pregnant.  post pregant is even more fun!

i think all of the new sights and sounds overwhelmed her a bit

oh my goodness i LOVE this lip!

i've decided that whenever people stop to tell me how much they adore my child, i'm going to ask them to take a picture of us.

so i got a few pictures of us.  a rare thing.

tummy time after she finished eating.  does it look like she's about to barf on me?

she has excellent head control.  i attribute this not to her super strong neck but to her super small head.  either way, it gets the job done.
that's all folks!  come back tomorrow!


Cherie said...

Carrie, I really could look at pictures of that baby all day! She really is so precious. I'm glad you guys are having fun out there!

Anonymous said...

I think we have pretty much decided this s a practice year for BYU lol So sad....Enjoy y'alls weekend!! And that is an EXCELLENT idea about taking y'all picture whenever everyone stops to adore her i can only imagine how surprised they are lol. We love y'all!! See you in Hungary soon yes?? =)

Mary Mitchell said...

I never read blog posts that are this long ... but I'm glad I did, because it just made my day. Makes me want to go love my baby some more or something.

P.S. I never commented on your post about feeding your baby walking home from a football game (very impressive), but every time I feed Luke I now think of the phrase "scoop up your boob."

Catherine O. said...

Carrie, let me just tell you that I am so glad you have a blog because I think your posts are hilarious! BTW, that pic of Abigail pouting with her bottom lip stuck out is my favorite!

Marianne said...

I LOVE these pictures--and really can't wait to meet her!!

p.s.--the photos on your newest post just look like little boxes to me. sorry!

Cindy said...

She is such a cutie!