Thursday, September 30, 2010

i'll admit inferiority when i see it

and tonight i have most definitely seen it.

i have a number of pointless things i could blog about.  y'know, like i ususally do... but i decided we would all be much happier to read something enjoyable instead.  ;-)

so let me direct you to the most insanely funny blog i have ever read in my life.  i have my funniest friend ever, sister lisa who is serving a mission in finland right now.  sometimes i call her sister lisa, but mostly i call her weed.  on my blog roll you may have noticed someone called lisa's sara.  well this is weed's very very very good friend from college.  so anyways, i read lisa's sara's blog religiously because it makes my day every time. 

but with this last post she has completely outdone herself.  so for tonight, instead of coming up with some crap of my own, i'll direct you to her blog for hers.

and when i said "crap" i really wasn't kidding.  it's about poop.  so mother, if you happen to be reading this, i'm going to suggest you might want to pass.  everyone else, don't hesitate one more second!


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