Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a few firsts

today, baby girl experienced a few things for the first time...

first off, a bottle! 
ummm, not her greatest strength.  i didn't time it, but trust me when i say it took forever for her to drink half an ounce out of this thing.  she mostly just gummed it and only latched on a few times.  it seemed difficult for her although i think she just thought it was a game because she never got angry or frustrated.  i got a little impatient however and replaced the bottle with the real thing.  that was much more efficient.  i just want baby girl to be able to take a bottle if she needs to.  maybe a different bottle (i gotta admit, this adiri one is kinda weird) would work better though.  seriously, as much as this is shaped like the real thing, it's not very user friendly, i'd say.

second, a pacifier.
before baby was born i was torn with the whole thumb vs. pacifier decision and ambitiously thought, maybe we can do neither!  well, with baby being so easy i'm realizing it's more of a possibility than i'd originally thought.  but, i still wanted to just test it out (even though i was pretty sure) to see if she'd take one.  i want to be able to count on her taking a pacifier if i need her to (like on an airplane a month from now.  the plan is to nurse her on takeoff and landing... but baby girl refuses to nurse when she's not very hungry.  so that worries me a bit).  well, the first time, she kept it in for about ten seconds before letting it fall out of her mouth.  second time, she kept it in.  the most she's had it is for about three minutes and then i rip it out.  i can see how this could be addicting for mother and child.  hold me to it...please!  i do not want to use this on any sort of regular basis.  my least favorite part about it?  you can't see her cute face!  it kills me.  i gotta see her precious little mouth or i might die.  this will be reserved for the most dire of situations.

third, a miracle blanket
 i'd never heard of this until a week or two ago.  has anyone ever used one before?  so far, so good.  it seems like it should be impossible for baby houdini to bust out of (except for maybe kicking her legs out of the bottom... still worried about that).  i'm excited to see how it will work tonight... especially since i woke up at 4am this morning to this busted baby. 

 well bust no more!  i've straightjacketed you in a miracle blanket!  goodnight!


Unknown said...

good for you for not being dependent on the mute button (pacifier)! Let me know how the miracle blanket works out!

Anonymous said...

haha. I like the Dr Browns bottle but then again, neither of my children knew what breast feeding was so they had no choice lol. As far as pacifiers and thumbs, We did neither. I won't say we didn't try the paci, but both didn't care for them. Adalie never had a problem sucking her thumb but about 4 mths ago she started sucking her little pointer finger. Kind of annoying lol. And that blanket looks awesome!! Good Luck!