Tuesday, September 14, 2010

yesterday i

did a lot of things.  want to hear about them?  no?  oh well, i need to publish my accomplishments anyways...

yesterday i
   gave baby a bath... AND clipped her fingernails!
   cleaned the kitchen counters... AND sink!
   cleaned baby's toys, bottle, pacifier, and miracle blanket... AND let her try them out!
   did a load of whites... AND colors!
   i got out of the rest of my skinny clothes... AND hung them in my closet!
   walked to the campus post office... AND mailed two packages!
   talked to my friend nicole... AND got a part time job!

are you severely annoyed yet?  i am.  that's more annoying than at least half of the terrible childrens books i've ever read.  they sure don't make them like they used to.

anyways, yesterday, baby was in desperate need of a bath.  she may or may not have managed to smear poop clear up to her shoulders and down to her toes.  but bath time is kind of a daddy thing and i was feeling pretty lazy.  so i put baby in the sink for her bath.  she is far too big for this but she didn't seem to mind.  i just didn't want to get her head wet and then spend the next 30 minutes trying to warm her back up.  she gets so cold.  speaking of... i'm sad to say that she has inherited my freezing cold limbs.  her hands and toes are icy.... 24/7. 

i cleaned all of the major kitchen surfaces but was too lazy to sweep or mop the floor, which i've been meaning to do since our family left a week ago.  it is disgusting.  my feet come out of there looking like a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles on it.  just to give you a visual.  do you love it liza?  you love dirty feet!

baby stuff... already wrote about it.  we don't need to go there twice.

i did two loads of laundry... that means that for a split second, there was no dirty laundry in the house [until baby pooped all over the place].  the big accomplishment though was that i actually folded all of the laundry and put it away!  i normal pull a "i-have-no-good-name-for-this" and empty the clean whites on the bed and wait to see if my lovely honey will fold his half and put it all away.  it has a pretty good success rate...

my baby is eight weeks old.  it has taken me that long to hang up the rest of my skinny clothes.  shameful.

i'll have to write sometime about the library we have in the closet under the stairs.  it is impressive to say the least.  it is also honey's small book business.  being VP, it is my job to mail the books to the buyers.  the purpose is two fold.  make money, make me skinny.  i think it takes me a full 50 minutes to walk there and back.  stanford campus is huge.

my friend nicole has two precious children.  starting tomorrow, baby and i will hang out with her little boy for three hours every wednesday.  i went from working 50 hours a week... to 3.  but it's still a part time job... i'm a working stay at home mom.  just kidding.  i realize that's an insult to the real working stay at home moms.

my blog posts really suck.  so here are some consolation pictures!

i like to dangle my child to see how skinny she is.  don't you love those legs?!?!


Anonymous said...

That's a GREAT busy day with a little one!! LoL. She looks so tall!! And skinny! And eight weeks to get skinny clothes back in your closet?!? I would call that pretty amazing...

Mary Mitchell said...

Aww. Your baby and my baby could be friends.

Catherine O. said...

Awww... She's gotten CUTER, Carrie! I didn't think that was possible, seeing as she was so cute to begin with, but it's true!

Unknown said...

she's so big! i love how much she looks just like you and chris. a perfect mix!
um, can i come visit again? (boo on being poor and having no vacation time)