the flowers honey brought me. i strategically placed them next to this "families are forever" frame to remind me to be a really kind and loving wife. it
i've taken pictures of every flower honey has ever given me. it's almost a tradition. i have to take pictures or i won't remember.
our flower vases are in storage in colorado... along with the rest of our life... so i used this nice halloween mug instead. festive huh?
honey bought two giant pumpkins at safeway while i was in georgia. on sunday he insisted that they were each getting a soft spot so he needed to go ahead and carve them. does this seem counter-intuitive to you too? that's because it is. i explained to him that carving them now would only mean that we'd have to throw them out in a few days but he insisted. this is how our pumpkin carving went last year too. i take pictures while honey does the hands-on work.
we got a lot more seeds this year thank goodness. i was worried we'd be in for another year of pumpkin seed famine. this year, since we had enough seeds, honey split them in half and insisted we have a contest to see who could make the best pumpkin seeds. how did i marry someone SO competitive?!?!
cute huh? i'm not sure why but i'm always extremely impressed with honey's pumpkin carving abilities.
remember that big trip to safeway? well, i told you i thought the receipt was longer than baby girl and i was right. my curiosity got the better of me so i laid her down for a quick measurement and then had to take a picture for documentation. and yes, i know she looks like a boy, but when your child has puked, pooped, and drooled over every cute sleeper that fits her, you have you put her in little boy hand me down sleepers. if she ever looked like this in public and someone made a comment about my son, i wouldn't even correct them... just not worth it.
here's our jack-o-lantern/pumpkin family (and some pumpkin seeds for good measure). honey wanted to do a face on baby pumpkin too but i wouldn't let him.
what's more festive than fiercely mold infested jack-o-lanterns on your kitchen table? mmm. good thing we don't eat there. immediately after taking this picture i texted honey and told him to throw them out as soon as he gets home. i am NOT touching them.
i spend 97% of my evening hours looking at this beautiful sight. sometimes if i poke at it, it moves... and occasionally even talks! he sure looks tempting...
haha! Carrie you crack me up. I LOVE the receipt next to baby girl and the moldy pumpkins! I wouldn't touch them either. They are pretty impressive, though! Go Chris! Oh, and I love your ADD posts by the way. That's pretty much the one and only way my brain works as well, so I totally get them :) Your last picture made me laugh also. Cut Chris out, insert Jared, and voila! That's what I see every night to (when he's home anyway). I'll be happy when this whole school thing is done and behind us forever!
You have a beautiful baby boy.
I think your tiny pumpkin needs a face. It looks a little left out.
ew, the mold makes them look even more creepy!
I remember carvin pumpkins with you guys, I miss that!
I didn't realize that you loved pumpkin seeds so much.
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