Monday, October 25, 2010

while i eat raisin bran

uhh, i took a great 5 hour nap this evening.  just kidding... it was more like 3.  but evening because i woke up at 8 or something.  not really sure of the time because i can only tell you that i fell asleep 2 hours after i last fed my kid and i woke up 10 minutes before she did.  honey tried to ask me what time we fell asleep and what time i woke up.  i told him i really had no clue because i don't look at clocks anymore.  i only look at that baby timer.  how's that for having my life revolve around my baby?  no clocks, just timer.  anyways, i should have set my alarm.  now i'm hoping i can fall asleep tonight.

church was nice today.  my friend katt taught the RS lesson and it was absolutely fabulous.  i took pity on her because of that one time i almost died.  i made three comments.  that's a big deal.  i don't really make comments in RS because i'm surrounded my too many intelligent people.  anyways, that RS just totally made my day.  maybe even my week but we won't know that until seven days from now.

i'm so excited about all of my friends having babies.  hate to say it, but a year ago right now i would have hated their guts for it because i was jealous and bitter.  i am so grateful for my child and the joy she brings to my life every single second of the day.  a year ago this month, i was crying several times a day, most days.  for me, that was the worst my life has ever been.  and to think... it was only 12 months ago.  that is crazy to me.  and an excellent example of how weak i am.  so anyways, now that i am able to personally experience the joy of motherhood, i get insanely excited for my pregnant friends.  my ultimate goal is to get my polar opposite best friend rach pregnant.  uhhh, i mean, i want to convince her that kids are not of the devil and that she would be happier for having one of her own.  i'll leave the actual getting pregnant part to her and her hottie husband.

have i told you lately that i look pregnant?  well, i'll tell you again.  my stomach is biggest from my blogging angle.  luckily my husband does not take note of my physical appearance like i hear other husbands do of their wives.  this allows all day pajama wearing, questionable hygiene, and of course, looking pregnant, to go genuinely unnoticed.  some girls get worked up when their husbands don't notice their haircut.  i am sad that they do not see the positive potential of this.

i'm trying to figure out our fancy camera.  i wasn't making much headway until my blogging sister suggested i look at the photography section of pioneer woman's blog.  it was really starting to make sense!  until i got hooked on reading her hotel room tours posts.  tomorrow i will focus again!

i don't like to see scratches on my kid's face, so i try to keep her nails nicely trimmed.  i despise cutting my own nails though so they get decently long.  yesterday i drew blood when i accidentally scratched baby's chin.  i would have deducted good mom points from my bounteous stash (just kidding) except that she didn't even flinch.  when it comes to child abuse, my baby has been conveniently desensitized.  wonderful.

not wanting to break the sabbath but in dire need of soy sauce (in honey's opinion), honey went to a chinese restaurant where they graciously handed him about fifty (or ten) packets.  although it was my idea, he was the one to carry it through.  not only are we cheap but we are righteous too.  and humble i might add.

i opened a pack of huggies snugglers yesterday and they were completely different diapers than the previous pack of huggies snugglers we've been using.  same exact packaging.  can someone explain this to me?  call me a diaper-buying-rookie but i'm confused.

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