Wednesday, February 23, 2011

dear liza, it's been a busy day

this afternoon my non blogging sister, liza, called as i was walking out of the post office.  she was asking me why we haven't talked much lately and i told her i've been pretty busy.  so i told her a few things as i walked out of the post office, across the street, got baby in the car, and got myself buckled and the car started.  then i told her i'd have to call her back when i got to my next place since it's illegal to talk on the phone while driving.  our conversation lasted 2 minutes and 3 seconds.  i didn't even call her back.  because i got busy.

turns out, we need more than two arms after all.

so dear liza, here's what i did today.

wait, i'll be right back, i have to get the laundry.

okay.  laundry is put away now.

here's my day.  yesterday evening someone in the ward sent out an email saying they needed someone to watch their kid from 10-2.  at 10:30 i wrote back saying if she still needed someone then i was available.  she needed someone.  so that was part of my day today.

baby woke up at 6 15.  gave her a pacifier.  my alarm went off at 8 30.  i could hear baby babbling.  i checked email and stuff in bed until 9 when i got baby up and fed her.  got her dressed.  got me dressed.  at 9:45 the kid came over and we walked over to the bizkids playdate which took until 10:05 at least i swear because that little boy is the slowest walker you've ever met.  holy cow i couldn't believe how slow he was.  but he was incredibly easy and well behaved so i really can't complain.  

after the playdate we went home and i tried to feed baby but really she was just wanting to go to bed.  she's coming off of another nursing strike and still isn't back to full and focused feedings yet.  anyways, she went down at noon and i took the little boy out into our courtyard to play but he's so self sufficient he was perfectly alright playing on his own.  so with the exception of a little swinging and a little bike riding, he didn't need my help at all and i spent my time taking pictures of him.  which was tricky.  because he moves fast.  so i was basically just chasing him around the whole time.  we did come in for a few minutes to grab a bite to eat.  but then we were back to playing.

baby woke up a little after 2 so i got her up and put her in the jumper while i changed this kid's SECOND poopy diaper (i don't remember signing up to change two of those), which is when his mom came to the door.  i was happy to report he was an absolute dream to watch.  i was also happy he is a very skinny kid because i was able to fit him in to one of baby girl's size 3's since we were not planning on needing to change him so much and there were not enough diapers in the bag.  

anyways!  they left at 2:15 or so and i fed baby and we were on our way to the post office which is when we talked to you!  then it took at least 15 or 20 minutes to get up to menlo park and when i got to the store i realized i did not have enough hands to carry a carseat, hold jeans, rummage through the racks, and hold a phone.  so i was a really bad sister and didn't call you back.  ;-(  i was also kind of sad that you didn't call me and tell me how you were too anxious to wait for my call.  

i got two pairs of jeans.  one pair regular, one pair skinny jeans.  we'll see if i ever have the guts to wear them since they make my hips look absolutely enormous and they make me look like i have a tiny little bubble butt. BUT they were cheap and they are trendy and i'm bored with my clothes so i thought it would be a good way for me to go out of my comfort zone a little bit whole lot.  while i was there i tried on a million different pairs of jeans.  apparently they have a ten minute limit for the dressing rooms since there are only two.  i got about 4 warnings two of the times i was in there.  in my defense, one of the times, i spent absolutely forever cleaning up baby's terrible blowout.  it was like her poop reverted back to newborn poop, which i had been really glad to say goodbye to a few weeks ago.  

so after spending three, yes, THREE hours shopping for jeans, we were out of there!  but we stopped by safeway on the way home because i needed milk and mozzarella cheese.  but as soon as i walked in the door i forgot that i only needed those two things and i proceeded to spend forever in safeway going up and down the aisles, several of them two and three times.  it was kind of ridiculous.  i finally got out of there with some produce, milk, mozzarella cheese, and london broil that was half off.  and maybe a few other things too.  christopher and i randomly watched the first few episodes of jamie oliver's food revolution on youtube a few days ago and are rededicating ourselves to try and eat less processed foods.  it's semi working.  on monday when we went down the cereal aisle at walmart, christopher picked up a few kashi cereals.  and then some captain crunch.... but really, we didn't get a lot of the junk that we normally do.

i got to the car and realized that it had been over five hours since baby woke up -whoops- and over 4.5 since she'd eaten - whoops again- so of course she fell asleep on the drive home.  she napped in her carseat while i unloaded groceries, ate a banana, and took out the trash, diaper pail, and recycling.  when she woke up i nursed her, fed her solids, and nursed her again before getting her ready for bed and putting her down at 8:30.

then i put in a load of laundry (with her dirty clothes, carseat cover, my new jeans, etc. that all needed to be washed) did some dishes, cleaned the counters, made/ate some broccoli, cleaned up more of our apartment, hung up wet clothes and put the rest in the dryer.  i also did some researching on the babywise mom blog about solids feeding schedules.  and then i started writing this post!  

so even though that doesn't catch you up on my weekend like we'd originally planned, it catches you up on my day.  so now tomorrow we don't have to spend our valuable talk time on any of this... assuming you even still read my boring blog posts... and can talk about things that are more fun and interesting than the random things that come together to make my day.

love you lots and sweet dreams.

baby's dirty clothes

when i got home.  although by that time she was asleep.  and really it had only been 2.5 hours since i changed her diaper.

passed out while i put groceries away.

somehow in all of this my purse got 100% disorganized.  i had brought that banana to eat while i was out but i forgot about it.  so i ate it when i got home.  defeats the purpose of bringing a snack to go.  crazy how fast they bruise and turn brown but it still tasted fine.
okay goodnight.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Thanks for yesterday's update. I was missing that you didn't call me back. Hopefully I'll hear about this past week some time soon!