Saturday, February 26, 2011

girls night IN

tonight we had a fabulous girls night in.  no boys allowed.  first, instead of going out to dinner, we ate in (hence girls night in).  baby girl had beef and beef broth (totally grossed out and rightfully so) with mango on the side (absolutely loved it) and i had straight up nutella (it was one of those days) and it was delightful.  

dinner in a jar


turns out, baby girl ADORES mango.

and absolutely despises baby beef broth.
i'll post videos from this meal another time.  they are pretty funny.  that whole experience where she was grossed out by peaches was a piece of cake compared to this beef broth stuff.  normally, if anything, she'll show a reaction to something the first bite or two and then get over it.  with peaches it was the whole first time.  for like five minutes or so.  and then the next night she ate peaches like a real georgia girl.

well, the first night (yesterday) of eating beef i didn't even get any video of it because it was so scary.  she hated it so much she wouldn't close her mouth (i'm noticing a trend that she doesn't like textured stuff) and she was gagging and dry heaving and her face turned all red and i thought she was going to throw up or choke or suffocate from a panic attack.  but i kept feeding it to her because i was so sure with the next bite she would get over it and finally i gave up.

well, i thought she would be over it for sure tonight but turns out she's still grossed out although not anywhere near as badly.  maybe tomorrow will be even better?  honestly, it smells like canned cat food and it's a nasty gray color.  i can't blame her.  but i pressed on, because i'm determined to have a tolerant child, dangit!  and don't worry, to keep meal time positive we finished up with some peas.  those were a hit.

then we moved on to bath time to take care of the tie dye mess that was her face.  i don't enjoy baby bath time so i'm always trying new things.  tonight i tried bathing my baby in this bucket-ish drawer container.

i had mixed feelings about the experience but baby loved it because it was more conducive to playing with, i.e., eating, her rubber duckies.

i think baby likes bath time about as much as i do.  all the other parents talk about how their baby kicks/squeals/giggles/laughs incessantly in the bath.  baby girl has never done this.  she will kick, but she does that without water as well.  anyways, maybe eating rubber duckies is the way to enjoy bathtime.  if only i could get her this into eating real food...

and this is for my posterity.  i'm raising the white flag.  after avoiding all forms of tapered pants for more than a decade...

you can mark 2.26.11 as my first day in skinny jeans.  sadly, i don't hate them as much as i thought i would.

so the night was filled with stuffing our faces with food, giggles, a relaxing bath (for baby), a fashion show, pillow fight... just kidding.  but really.  that was our night together.

and as much fun as it was, it just really made me miss my honey.


Lydia said...

You look FABULOUS in those skinny jeans...and sorry you miss hubby. I hate that. But at least baby girl is still pretty as ever..

Mary Mitchell said...

I love the skinny jeans even more ... and look at you: a long top, with a hoodie (which I will call a cardigan), and some ballet flats. I knew you could do it!!

I really wish you had a video of the beef baby food.

Sara said...

I think they look GREAT!

But here's the thing: I had the same apprehension about skinny jeans, and then I decided to try them a few years ago. I actually really like them. What I DO NOT like are matchstick jeans. Or skin-tight jeans. Now THOSE are a big, big no-no for me. As long as there's a bit of give (as with skinny jeans), I think you're okay.

By the way, where did you get those skinny jeans?

Cindy said...

You look fantastic in skinny jeans. They are definitley made for someone like you. Where did you get them?