Wednesday, February 2, 2011

long winter's nap

i think my baby is hibernating.  i put her down for a nap at 5:30 and she never woke up.  ordinarily i would have just marched on in at 7:30 and gotten her out of bed.  except i couldn't do that tonight.  because i was also napping.  and i was counting on baby to wake me up.  didn't happen.

so when i woke up at 8:30, she had already been asleep for 3 hours.  i should have just rushed in there and gotten her awake.  that would have been the smart thing to do.  but i was tired.  and lazy.  and i decided to "think about it" which turned into forgetting about it.  until 9:30... and then it was really too late.

it's my own fault though.  because last night i took her to girls night with me since honey had a basketball game at 10 and couldn't stay home to watch her.  so with the exception of 20 minutes or so, she was awake from 7 until... after midnight.  go ahead and think i'm a bad mom for doing that.  i do.  but i still wouldn't change my decision to take her out.  in fact, i'm sure i'll probably be doing it again next week.  so she got to bed really late and woke up at her normal time.  8:15ish or something i think.

enter conflict number two.  bizkids story time.  we slept through music time last week so we couldn't very well sleep through story time too!  so even though she'd only been awake for less than an hour, i put her down for a nap.  great.  except that i woke her up 40 minutes later to get her dressed and go.  afternoon nap was 2.5 hours which is pretty long, but on our family walk she was looking so sooooooooo tired.  that's when we put her to bed for her late afternoon nap.  and i haven't seen her since.  except for the four times i've had to slide her from the top of the crib back down to the bottom.  how does she move so fast in her sleep?  and why is it always up?

and when is my kid going to wake up?  i'm pretty confident that she's tired enough to sleep all the way til 8:15 tomorrow morning, or at least until 7 (i refuse to get up with her before 7:00), but i know she'll have to eat sometime in there.  if only i knew when that would be...

so in case you glossed over all of that (no reason why you shouldn't), let me summarize things for you...

my kid is asleep.


POST EDIT:  i woke baby up at 12:30 to feed her and change her diaper.  she was asleep by the time i finished brushing my teeth at 1:00 and didn't wake up again until 8:20.  SUCCESS.

and just for the record... i don't regularly go to bed at 1am.  it was only because i'd taken a late nap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the summary, i literally loled.