Wednesday, February 16, 2011

pigs are flying!

okay, so i'm sure she's going to wake up in 45 minutes crying and flailing, but OH MY GOODNESS MY BABY FELL ASLEEP WITHOUT HER SWADDLE!

there was a little crying involved and a little comforting and she was soooo super tired but IT HAPPENED!  for the first time in who knows how many months!!!

baby steps, baby steps.  we'll get there eventually.

ps- i'm watching downton abbey on and it is FABULOUS.  i'm loving it.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Way to go baby girl! My boys struggled giving up their swaddle also. Thankfully it works itself out pretty quickly. I love your labels on your posts by the way. They make me laugh as much as the post sometimes :) Here's to happy sleeping!