Friday, February 25, 2011

flat hair

remember that post about baby's fabulously downy fro puff hair?  well, here's the follow-up update because we're no longer sporting that style.

two weeks ago, baby's hair started filling in like crazy.  i mean i noticed it from day to day that week.  people say that you don't notice the changes and growing up of your own baby because it's so gradual and while i'm finding that to be very very true, this hair growth has been an exception.  it was fast and noticeable and lasted a whole week start to finish.

her hair went from this sweet 80's fro puff,

to this sleeker, more sophisticated style,

in a week!

ps- we're not ALWAYS in bed.  i have to take all of her hair pictures in front of the tv because the lighting and the black backdrop offer perfection when it comes to capturing her little blond baby hairs.  although we do log quite a few hours in bed so baby can practice sitting and scooting and neither of us have to endure our hard, terrible, scratchy student housing carpet floors.

and do not judge me for that crap on the dresser and tv.  FOR THE LIFE OF ME, i can not get my precious husband to put his clothes anywhere other than on top of his dresser.  about a year ago though i decided that it would be good for my ocd, and consequently our marriage, if this problem disappeared.  so there are 3.5 drawers in his dresser and i have designated one whole drawer as the "junk drawer."  so as soon as he puts his clothes on the dresser, i slide them off and stuff them into his junk drawer.  problem solved.  i used to either throw them in the hamper or put them away in his closet but he didn't like that.  anyways, now, i don't have to look at them and my sweet christopher is not complaining that he doesn't know what i've done with his clothes.  clothes on dresser --> clothes in drawer.  how wonderfully simple.  but sadly, i just wasn't on top of my game this time.

want to hear the saddest story of my life?  honey and baby and i were at church on sunday waiting for sunday school to start when my friend's husband turns around and starts talking to us about who knows what.  during the conversation he comments on our child's super blonde hair (not sure why it shows up so much darker in pictures) and then asks if there are any blonds in the family.  i wanted to cry.  i'm supposed to be blonde.  i've always been blonde and i know i haven't seen the sun in the past five years and my hair has gotten darker but still, can't i at least pass for a really dirty blonde?  if i'm not blonde then what am i?!?!  i know i can't be brunette.  that would just be wrong.  talk about an identity crisis.  just thinking about it makes me die a little inside.  

but to end on a happy note, my beautiful blonde child.  she's even smiling in this picture.

probably because no one's accusing her of being a brunette.


For the Love of French said...

Carrie! That is how I feel about my hair too! It use to be red, and now it is 50/50 of who thinks it is red and who thinks it is brown...really I loved my red hair...I have proof I am a red head, I just can't show it off to people, that would be inappropriate ;)

S.A.R. said...

Well, if it helps, being a brunette is very awesome. :)

Unknown said...

whatever, you're still blonde.
just think, this summer you can get your annual beach time, and you'll be for sure blonde again.

Cindy said...

You are for sure a blonde. Didn't you say it was a man who made the comment? Problem solved, case closed.