Monday, February 7, 2011

does anyone else do this?

i'm a little behind on my journaling.  it's because i have a loose and unofficial rule for myself that i will not write in my journal when i'm in a down or off sort of mood.  i feel like most of my days are really happy, or at least content.  but sometimes when hard days come along, i just want to sit down and vent it all in my journal.  let me tell you that it does not make for happy reading.  it fills pages and pages full of books of things you really just want to forget.  things that you learned from and don't need to hold onto any longer.  so now, when i get really upset, i can type it up on my computer.  maybe i'll save it and read it again in a day or two when my concerns seem silly or long gone.  i get over stuff pretty fast so really, i can just delete stuff normally within 24 hours.  but that's only if i really have the energy and am feeling super anxious.  i'll go ahead and say that most of the time i'll just talk to myself.  go ahead and laugh.  i know it sounds ridiculous but it's true.  and it works.  it's very healthy for me, i swear.

so last night i got really upset.  so i couldn't journal.  still wasn't up for it today.  that's especially bad because we had a busy weekend so i was needing to catch up for a few days.  well, it will have to wait til tomorrow.  because even though i'm feeling better.  i'm still not in the clear.  i think the green light for journaling will come tomorrow.

but i've been wondering if anyone else does this too?  i swear i'm not delusional.  i know i'm not going to be 80 years old and catch myself telling someone that i've never lost my temper with my husband unless i've really lost my brain.  i'm pretty sure i'll remember that i wasn't perfect.  i don't need to write that stuff down.  but every day, so many simple and good things happen.  things that i'm jealous of myself for experiencing if that makes any sense at all.  i actually don't know if any of this is making any sense.  but i guess that's what happens when you talk to yourself all day... leaves you in the mood to type.  i LOVE typing!  but back to what i was saying... i only want to write down the things i want to remember.  maybe that's superficial and fluffy but i don't care.  call me emotionally unstable, but for the same reason i don't like to watch the news, i don't like to detail bad experiences to keep them fresh in my mind for years to come.

does anyone else do this?  only write the good stuff?  i'm really curious to know...

and on a completely unrelated note...  i spent over an hour on the phone tonight with my blogging sister, emmy, while she went to a million different (like six) redbox locations to find the movie she wanted.

have no fear emmy, i blotted out your zip.

it was like a redbox scavenger hunt!  or amazing race!  well, maybe not.  but it sure was fun.  she was in her car in utah and i was on my computer here in california.  and i kept hitting the refresh button to track which redbox location(s) her movie was at.  that site is in real time.  she would be just arriving at one location and i would hit the refresh button and find that within the last minute, the movie was gone.  repeat repeat repeat.  so this was the screenshot from right after she picked up her movie.  only one location (with likely only one copy of her movie) left within fifty miles!


For the Love of French said...

There was no way I could not write the bad things when I was on my mission, because it was part of mission life, but instead I wrote it with an attitude of pulling the good out of the bad, and usually by the end of the entry I felt better about what had happened and fairly happy. Now I haven't written in my journal since we found out I was pregnant, but I was trying to catch up, so my journal has up to about 2 days before my doesn't even know I am about to deliver a baby.

Sara said...

Hahahaha! I love this post for so many reasons!

But I HAVE to know: What was the movie Emily was renting?!?

Sara said...

It would be for The Secretariat, huh? It is Utah, after all. :)