Friday, June 8, 2012

pregnant chelsey and fake hosting

i sure do love me some pregnant chelsey.  just for reference, she's my first counselor in young womens.  and i love her to death.  did i say that already?  whoops.

anyways, tonight i fake hosted her baby shower.  if you've never fake hosted something before, let me tell you that this is the way to go.  it will make you feel like a grownup seeing something like this take place in your very own home!  basically i agreed to clean my house (the visible parts at least) and have her mom put my address on the invitations.  all of the food, decorations, etc. were brought over and set up 15 minutes before the shower started and i listened to adoring praises all night because apparently if tissue poms appear in your home, you probably made them.  and if that cupcake holder is on your table, you must have personally selected and purchased it.  and the food?  well go ahead and take credit for that too.  i mean, the water came out of your faucet so you can take credit for everything edible, right?

just kidding... i gave credit where credit was due (everywhere but here) and just enjoyed the party.  happy congratulations to pregnancy chelsey!

chelsey is on the left... and after she's no longer "pregnant chelsey" you better believe i'll be referring to her as "gorgeous chelsey"  because seriously, how could you not?!


and that is how you fake host a baby shower.  i highly recommend it.

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