Tuesday, June 12, 2012

keswick park videos

today we went to a park by my parents' house.  it was a little ghetto with all of the non-child friendly giant drops and crazy slides (umm, they were painful to go down... what's up with that?!) and stuff that probably wouldn't be up to code these days but oh my goodness baby girl has never squealed and giggled so much in her life.  like for a solid hour while we were there.  sooo, i got no pictures because i was too busy enjoying things but i managed two videos.  they're very typical and ordinary and i love them both.

baby girl was very sad to leave.  she threw a 30 second tantrum when i told her we had to go.  which is kinda a big deal for her.  maybe we can go back thursday or friday.  or in september...

ps- that outfit she's wearing is size 12 months.  marianne... thanks again!  we're getting two full summers wear out of it!

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