Saturday, June 16, 2012

notes to prompt me later

we're in north carolina!  atlanta flew by and i'm sad we're not going to be back til september.... but WE'RE AT THE BEACH!!!

thursday was a bundle of fun.  it involved sleeping in (as was the case every day this week... yeay for a jett lagged baby!), running errands with mom - costco!!!- , ditching a sleeping baby to go play at sarah's house, delicious waffle dinner at my brother walter's new house with his beautiful wife and my mom, dad, sister liza, and baby girl.  waffles with cinnamon, butter, syrup, whipped cream, and tons of special costco peach mango orange preserves... well, that's just heavenly.  and even though i was too full and nauseous to move, somehow i got home to put baby girl to bed and made it over to lynell's by 9:30.  ish... i was a little late.  hung out with lynell, diana, tarin, and weed til after midnight before calling it a night and heading to the car.  and then weed and i didn't drive away til after 2am.  so much fun.  if only my dear friend rachel had been there.  those girls were my life in highschool... and as far as lisa and diana go... they were my life in.... well, my whole life.  since birth do we never part.  k, i need to go to bed.

friday was excellent as well.  errands, staining the floor and a nasty smelling house, nap time, picnic lunch at the chamblee airport park, aunt jane arrived, made french toast bake in the garage, and picked honey up from the airport at 11 30.  for the fifth time this week didn't get to bed til after 2 am... or 3.

today we drove to the beach.  and baby girl did not sleep for a single second of it so this is officially her first day of her life that she has ever gone without a nap... like was awake for 12 hours straight!  the car ride was pretty good considering it was like sitting next to an add octopus in a carseat.  having so much fun with everyone at the beach already and baby girl looooved jumping waves and getting her clothes all wet.  no pictures of it because i was too busy enjoying the moment but it was sooo worth it.  perfection with sand.

official posts with pictures to come.  maybe.  but don't hold your breath.

can this count for three days of journaling?  i know i'm cheating.

ps- on page 350 or something and i'm absolutely loving atlas shrugged.


Lyndel said...

my vote is that it totally counts as journaling.
oh and I definitely saw your car outside the house super late...made me smile and tell Mike not to worry that you all were burgalars :)

Loved seeing you!

Jeff said...

The day we went to the zoo together, Abby didn't take a nap. I remember you saying that was her first missed nap ever. Just wanted to remind you... for the journal. It was fun having you here! Love you!