Sunday, June 24, 2012

no gum necessary

tonight i had to cut baby girl's hair a tiny bit.

last night we got home late and she was the most tired i've seen her maybe ever.  then we had to wake her up early for church this morning.  so during lunch she's begging for a nap which isn't uncommon but i still knew she was tired from the travel.  normal naptime is 2 but i had her down by 1:30.  at 6:15 i still hadn't heard a peep from her so i finally went up to her room to make sure she was still alive (anyone else do that when their kid takes a super long nap?  i swear i can't be the only one) and i heard her in her crib just happily playing away.  i got her out because it had been almost FIVE HOURS and saw that she had the most ridiculous knot in her hair.  she likes to twirl her hair with her finger... especially when she's tired.  i think this must be a recessive trait in our family because my brother got it too... although he doesn't limit the hair twirling to when he's tired.  so i tried working it out with my fingers.  and i kept doing that while we played outside for two hours and then i decided i'd have to be done with conditioner so before bed i gave her a long bath (yeay for the beach because my baby went from dreading and crying during baths to begging for them and crying when i tell her it's time to get out!  crossing my fingers this lasts...) and let her play in the water while i massaged that knot with conditioner FOUR times.  it got better but not all the way.  so i got her out, dried her off,

and clipped out that little knot.

and that is the story of baby's first unofficial haircut.

and to liza: it's true that baby girl hadn't napped when we left your house after the zoo but i put her down for a nap when we got home and she slept for a few hours until i woke her up.  late nap better than no nap!

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