Saturday, June 2, 2012

flying bunnies and my excellent day

today was wonderful.  i have so much to post but some of it will have to wait until tomorrow and monday and probably tuesday.  because let's get real, my blogging hasn't been too spectacular lately.

so we'll just do everything as bullet points so it's not too overwhelming for me.  i don't forget this glorious day... which don't hold your breath, it's just an ordinary day that i happened to love in an extraordinary way.

- i slept in until 9 30... and probably would have been able to sleep longer except that my honey got bored and woke me up.  for some reason (it's far too bright in my room) i wake up at 6 30 every day and then spend the next 2 hours in that half awake state, attempting to get back to sleep.  so this was pretty epic.

- honey was itching for a walmart trip (but not a family walmart trip because he hates those, and rightfully so because we can never seem to get through one still liking each other) so i told him he had to get a few things on my list (cinnamon rolls, kettle corn, an onion... y'know... the odds and ends i somehow missed this week) and he volunteered to take our baby with him!  i can tell he loves those little outings with just him and baby girl.  anyways, i took the opportunity to pack some fresh fruit (with my little fruit fork, carolyn!) and a book (i just started atlas shrugged today) and headed to the pool to actually LAY OUT.  i loooove laying out and have been obsessed with it since i was like 5 or something... can't remember exactly but i do remember my mom taking me to the pool and asking me why i kept sitting in the chair instead of swimming in the water.  ha.  the difference is that i used to get super tan and black and now i have a baby and am more responsible about life so i cover myself head to toe in 30 spf.  never anticipated that happening.  i will be white forevermore.

- i left the pool because the clouds came rolling in and the thunder started.  i stayed for a while since it was breezy and the sweat it out heat was replaced with perfect pre-storm air but then eventually i missed my honey and baby so i headed home and they were outside on the driveway.  baby girl was riding her bike and honey was planting more little seedlings (i'll have to blog about that sometime... for honey's posterity to know that at one point he loved his little seedlings as if they were his own offspring) or something.  we all hung out like that in perfection for a while and then frantically moved a pile of rocks while the rains started pouring down on us.  it made me laugh while i was running rocks back and forth and it kinda made me feel like it should be part of a movie.  and then we came inside.

- we opened the window so we could listen to the storm and i watched the downpour outside while baby girl ate her lunch.

- then i had the most awkward experience ever.  this will need it's own post.  just thinking about it makes me want to die.  seriously.  and maybe stop going to church too.  so wish me luck tomorrow.

- honey put baby girl down for nap, we watched tv together, and then i got the bug to organize our food storage in the basement.  this may have caused a little disagreement between honey and myself and short story shorter... he needed some alone time and ended out passing out in bed upstairs while i organized our food storage in the basement for an hour or two.  i lost track of time and was brought back to reality when i faintly heard my baby's cry and then glanced at my watch, panicked that it was 7:20.  ran upstairs to realize that honey was asleep and that baby girl was still in her crib from nap!  disclaimer: she didn't go down until 3 and had a super long nap.  i would have heard her earlier if she'd been awake earlier but i think she must have slept for at least 3.5 hours.  we'll never know.

- my organizing bug kept going strong and i cleaned out my car, and did an organizing overhaul on our garage.  combine this with the food storage overhaul, vacuuming for the first time in who knows how long (okay, i can't take credit for that... honey vacuumed the whole house this morning... but it still made me feel accomplished), cleaning out baby's closet, and doing a whole number of smaller tasks... the day was a success.  i've been slacking on the whole domestic housewife thing lately so this helped get me back on track a bit.  oh, and last night i reorganized our freezer (maybe not all of it but the parts i did look awesome!) and the fridge.  i need credit for those too.

- i didn't put baby girl to bed until 10:15 tonight. her sleep schedule has kinda shifted back two hours over the course of the past two weeks.  but whatever... having a baby that sleeps til 10am has it's perks and honey and i loooove that playtime with baby girl at night.  she's always so silly and happy.  tonight it was dancing... of which i have videos.  that will also require it's own post.

ps- yesterday i saved a baby bunny's life.  and today i saved another baby bunny's life.  here are pictures.

it fell into the window well for one of our basement windows and had no way of getting out.
jumping bunny
and in this picture i swear he's allllmost flying.

and here's baby girl.  doing this thing she likes to do lately.  she lays on her stomach and slides herself (forward or backward) all over the kitchen.  i should just dampen her pj's and it could replace that whole "mopping" thing that i never seem to get around to.


and then she asked where daddy was so i told her he was sitting on the sofa and she went crawling away like this.  i called out to her, "baby girl!  are you being stealth?!" to which she promptly and loudly replied, "YEP!"  man, how that kid makes me laugh.

my life is too wonderful i swear.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

oh no i can't see the pictures!!