Thursday, June 6, 2013

Famous last words

That's what I kept thinking today when I'd remember my "mark my words I'll be asleep by midnight!"  Ha. Because Brady woke up before midnight (the last two nights he's slept until 5 and 6) and I gave him a binky but then 20 mins later he was crying again. So I nursed him real quick. But then 25 minutes later he was crying again. So I nursed him again real quick. But then he was crying again 12 minutes later. Why?  Oh because our fire alarm (I think... unless it was the carbon monoxide detector) went off for a few minutes. Chris and I were so freaking confused (and still are) because it was so random coming on and went off by itself too. So while baby girl slept through that just fine (I've slept through a few fire alarms in my day too) Brady woke up so I nursed him real quick yet again and thankfully he was out til 8. 

So don't jinx yourself with a "mark my words I'll be asleep by midnight!" Because just maybe your baby will wake repeatedly and your fire alarm will go off at 1:30 in the morning. 

I couldn't help but laugh about that one. I mean, what're the odds?!?!

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