Wednesday, June 5, 2013

a little here and there

this morning i woke up in a good mood.  what makes it be like that?  i was hanging out with brady and waiting for abigail to wake up and just doing all the normal stuff and then as i was getting brady's medicine i looked at us in the mirror and thought to myself "why are some days better than others?!"  if you know the answer, go ahead and leave it in a comment... i'm at a loss but grateful that today was a good day.

since it's summer, we're taking a break from playgroup/joy school/sassy girls club, which meant that we had our day wide open.  we went to the pool on monday, did the library and grocery shopping and cleaned the house yesterday, so i decided to grunge it and just hang out at home with no plans to see anyone or leave the house.  we did a few loads of laundry and ate breakfast.  if you ever ask abigail what she wants to eat she'll promptly respond "crunch" which means captain crunch cereal.  which is terribly bad for you.  sugar is not only the second ingredient but also the fourth.  guess which parent got her hooked on that?  i'll give you a clue... it wasn't me.  anyways, we compromised and she got that pumpkin flax granola cereal.  she's going through a phase right now where she's just not interested in eating (unless we're with other people and it's someone else's food... then she's starved as if she hasn't eaten in weeks) and it's only worth her while if she can eat while playing/watching thomas/hanging out outside, or it's crunch.  anyways, it was nice not to have that battle this morning.  but she woke up late and we were doing other things and it still took her an hour to eat (she can find a way to play with any food you give her) and she didn't finish til noon.  i know i've said it before but her daytime is only about 11 hours long, and she will hang out in her crib for 2-4 hours for nap, and each time she eats it takes at least an hour.  factor in a potty break or two, getting dressed (for the day, then nap, then for the day again, then for bedtime) and there's really not a whole lot of time for anything fun.  very frustrating for me since she's at such a fun age... but then again, aren't they all?!

so we went on a walk with the jogging stroller/bike trailer thing i got for free (maybe i saw it in my neighbor's trash and asked her if i could have it... i have no shame) and baby girl and brady had a blast.  well, baby girl did.  brady put up with us well enough though.  and we stopped by the playground for a bit and then came home and hung out on the driveway a while before nap time.

baby girl didn't nap.  she played in her crib for two hours before crying for me to come get her.  it was almost five so i just pulled her out and had her help me make dinner.  we made this recipe for sloppy joes and i was pretty impressed.  it was kind of like that meatloaf recipe i love so much except in a sloppy joe sandwich form.  also, instead of writing different posts to try to keep up with what i cook that i like and want to make again (yes, i know that's terrible english and doesn't make sense) then i'm just pinning it all to my "been there, made that" board on pinterest.  way faster and easier to find past recipes and i really don't know why i didn't do this sooner.  also, i love scrolling through the pictures to see what i'm in the mood for.  it's allllmost like a menu at a restaurant.

honey came home and we all ate dinner together and hung out for a while outside doing yard work and stuff. brady watched us all from the comfort of his carseat.  he really is turning into such a chill baby... sleeping easily and well and following a schedule and being pretty low maintenance during his waking hours.  he smiles and laughs like crazy and i'm thinking maybe he'll turn out to be a pretty fun loving guy.

bedtime for the kids at 8.  i went back outside to do just a bit more yardwork and when i came back in at 9, honey was out.  he's the sleepiest husband i've ever had.  but he's also pretty hardworking so i try to cut him some slack sometimes.

anyways, there's always so much that needs to get done but it's tricky when you have limited time and two kids to care for... but today i feel like i was able to do a little bit of enough stuff to suffice.  here's my checklist of sorts for today.  we got out of the house for several hours of fresh air and i exercised and took the kids to the playground.  abigail didn't watch any tv and hasn't for over a week (did i mention last week that i finally got so upset at her whiney and disagreeableness that i returned every single one of her thomas movies to the library and hid all of the ones we own?  i told her she wasn't being a good listener and that is why all of her movies had to go away.  and yesterday when we went to the library she wanted more thomas movies and i told her no because she still needed to work on being a better listener and she was okay with that.  and today too when she asked if she could watch thomas.  i'm secretly hoping she'll forget the tv exists because honestly, it's so wonderful not to have to give a precious hour of our playtime to watching thomas.  like she can just drive her little trains around the kitchen island while i make dinner or clean up lunch or something... wow!  playing with toys instead of being bored and whining to watch tv!  amazing!

well that was a bit of a digression.  back to the checklist, i also kept my kitchen clean and the rest of my house didn't get any dirtier.  i did two loads of laundry.  i didn't get frustrated with either child.  i made brady's naps a priority so he was well rested and happy (he only naps for 30 minutes at a time in his carseat and you can tell it just doesn't cut it for him).  i did yard work, improving the appearance of our home, spending that time with abigail, and using my body since i count stuff like that as "exercise."  i was nice to my husband and made him dinner.  i did something for my calling.  i talked to my mom on the phone.  i fed myself foods more healthy than straight sugar and chocolate.  i was happy all day long.  and mark my words i will get myself to sleep before midnight!  so it's not like i did awesome in any one area of my life but i did a  little here and a little there and i feel like it was good enough.  so i call this a success through and through.

here's to another good day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

yay for good days!