Monday, November 11, 2013

friday morning

friday morning i got brady ready and passed him off to my mother while i got myself and abigail showered and ready for the day.  when that was done, i passed abigail off to my dad while i finished packing our bags.  i came upstairs to my parents asking me what that was outside.  i answered a few times (all wrong) before they informed me it was a train platform.

what?  apparently abigail ran to the window super excited and started exclaiming that it was a platform... a train platform for the people to wait!"  i won't lie, i was surprised and impressed.
then abigail went with my mom to start packing the car.  while they were doing this, she asked how the car turned black.  "why is our car not white anymore?  did it turn black because of the night time?"  hilarious.  our rental car yesterday was white.  but remember, abigail fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep during the whole rental car switch and then by the time she woke up, it was pitch black.  so this was her first time seeing the new rental car in the light and she was trying to wrap her head around how our white car turned black.  seriously, i find this so amusing.
on the "train platform"
i looooooved this quilt they had
a lot a lot
and now i want to make one just like it.  it was seriously so tempting not to spread it all out for a picture but i knew i'd never be able to fold it back just right.  especially one handed holding brady.
this is what i want for the wall in our office room.  we have the ikea knock off version though.  it only took a morning.  but someday.... built in bookcases!  
then we went to visit my uncle john and aunt beth. 
mom and dad and i all thought for sure this dog was going to bite off abigail's arm (epitome of the tiny dog with the crazy loud barking and 100% unpredictable everything) but abigail was all about second (and third and fourth) chances and kept going back to pet this little guy, charlie.
brady fell asleep as soon as we got in the car (as usual this trip) but actually stayed asleep for over two hours... even through the crazy loud barking!  he had to be kept up high though.  that pup was all sorts of scary.  in a cuteish sort of way.
we ate an assortment of great harvest breads, muffins, and cinnamon rolls with orange juice and milk and had fun visiting.
 but then once again... we were off!

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