Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Organizing food storage

Y'know when you're on vacation and staying at a hotel or resort... And your room just magically gets clean throughout the day?  Messed up bed from your afternoon nap... Magically made and turned down for you when you return after dinner. 

Well I feel like that with my house... But in reverse. Like I do a whole ton of laundry and then look in the full hamper and think "who on earth put all those clothes there?!  And how did it fill up so fast?!" or I wonder how my bed got unmade or how all those dirty dishes got in my sink. 

Well despite me being a self-proclaimed neat and tidy person...

this was my kitchen this morning. 

I'm working on organizing and filling in our short term food storage and got a bunch of stuff at Costco last week and a whole ton of stuff at the grocery store yesterday. And then I just didn't have time to put it away and I needed to organize my basement first. So there it all sat... in my kitchen. 

Well, it took all day but I managed to make a huge dent in my food storage organization of the basement and actually do my kitchen pantry cabinets too. 

And don't worry, I eventually tackled those dishes and swept the floor. 

But how does this happen?!  Because I'm sure I'll be telling this same story in another month or so. 

Anyways, none of that is important or matters at all. More notable things from the day include:

My dad's birthday!!!  I have the best dad ever. I had so much fun talking with him on the phone. And Abigail loved talking with him too. Such a Chatty Cathy. 

Abigail played with Elle. Jodi asked if we wanted to go to the playground but I told her I was too busy tackling my house. So she picked up Abigail and dropped her off a few hours later. I put Brady down for nap right after Abigail left and I had two hours to work on food storage. It's amazing how much more efficient things are without kids!  And I didn't have to feel guilty about ignoring Abigail because I knew she was having a blast with Elle. While they were at the playground, Elle was all "Abigail, hey, Abigail. Hey Abigail... I love you."  And all the time, Abigail prays for Elle and says that she's thankful for her. Apparently Elle does it too. So precious. 

My honey is so crazy busy. Last week he went to a bunch of different places. This week he was in Milwaukee on Tuesday. Left at 4am and got back by 10. So on the phone today I told my dad I didn't think Christopher had to travel anymore this week. But after I got off the phone I remembered he's actually gone again tomorrow. Waking up at 4 to fly to Vegas and drive to Saint George. And he'll fly in tomorrow evening and go straight to the church for what's left of the auxiliary training he has to go to. Poor guy. I'm so glad my days just include hanging out with our kids. My job is so much better than his. 

I am so super pumped for our relief society activity tomorrow night. It's about how to keep Christmas about Christ and creating Christ-centered traditions and stuff. And our rs president is great. I told her I wanted to attend but that Chris had that eq training and she arranged for a nursery for my kids and anyone else that may have a conflict. Abigail will be thriiiiiilled. I just need to make sure she gets a nap in. 

Because today I didn't bother with a nap because she was playing with Elle and baby girl had a mini melt down during/about/after dinner. I was about to lose my patience but managed to just talk to her about it instead. Turns out she was exhausted. She asked me if she could just be done with everything and go upstairs to sleep. At 6:30. Some mothers are really in tune with how their kids are doing. I am not. I need to be better at recognizing baby girl's needs and deciphering her actions and emotions. Three is such a tough age sometimes. 

Aaaannnnnndddddd we're on the countdown... Less than a week before my birthday!  I'm getting old. 

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