Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Going going

And tomorrow we'll be gone. To Utah. 

Today was just a going going sort of day. I'm glad I was in that productive mood and that both kids cooperated for nap time because any other day, that 4.5 hours could have been very easily wasted. We started our day at a normal time. But by noon I was kinda over that whole parenting thing and put both kids down for nap by 12:30. Brady slept til 5. Abigail played for two hours and then fell asleep until 5:30 or so. It was miraculous.  But then for some reason I kept them up way past their bedtime. Not my smartest move because by then I was out of patience again. But all in all, I conquered some much needed-to-be-conquered territory today. 

This cat shirt is in the most frequented rotation along with the Thomas shirts. Who would have guessed it would be so very loved?

And then immediately following that picture of the cat shirt, baby girl tripped on herself and fell into a wall. 

One thing driving me insane lately?  Our shoes. Way too many shoes to fit in the drawers. I blame honey for all of the adult shoes, although baby girl's shoes are 100% my fault. I prioritized and organized the drawers and none of these shoes made the cut. Booted (pun only semi intended) to the closet. And baby girl's to be put away with her summer clothes. 

Two weeks ago, I made cards for all my young women. Today I finally got time to write in them!  And I even delivered half of them (even if it was only to the girls that live in my neighborhood). The other half might take just a taaaad longer. 

And honey is back in town from his exotic trip to Wyoming. He really knows how to live it up. 

Wish me luck packing for our Utah trip!  So far I've managed to avoid the travel anxiety but probably only because I've given no thought to packing or traveling. I think tomorrow I'll go into panic mode and it probably won't be pretty. It's just a three day trip, only three days I can totally pack for that...

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