Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween fairy

I don't have to handle this parenting situation yet because my oldest is only three... But I am stashing away the idea from All Hallows' eve: the story of the Halloween fairy. It's been one of my favorite books to read with Abigail lately because it has cute pictures and good rhythm. But it's got an awesome plot and it could be a fun tradition to start with Abigail next year. 

So how cool is it that I saw on Facebook that my cousins did basically* the same thing with their kids?!

*except in the book the fairy (who can make toys but not candy) gives a toy. Because Eve, the fairy, loves candy but can't make it. So her friends all dress up for her birthday party on October 31st and then decide to go door to door to collect candy they can give eve for her birthday. And she's so grateful for all the candy, she gives them each a toy she has made. And then it's tradition. But I'm a really bad story teller so how bout you just read it yourself?  Or at least look it up on amazon.  I promise it's cute. 

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