Friday, December 12, 2014

Taco temple Thursday

Our taco temple Tuesday girls night happened on a Thursday this month to accommodate my/Chris's schedule so he would be around to watch the kids while I was gone. I'm so grateful for accommodating friends because this is easily one of my favorite nights of the month. And I'm so thankful for honey and that he schedules it in for me to get home from work by 5:30 to watch the kids. 

He also let me open this little present before I left. I didn't even take a picture of the inside because I was too excited when I saw it. It's Enstrom's almond toffee... Which I'm obsessed with since the first time I had it. He told me I could have a few bites before I left for the temple but had to promise not to eat it all in one day. The guy knows me well. 

The temple was so wonderful. I brought family names that Klaudette gave me and I've been working on. I did a session for kuneganda fudala who was born in Budapest Hungary. I also did her baptism and initiatory. I love that she was born close to 100 years before I was. I felt like we're both kids of the 80's. Just different 80's...  Sarah and Marissa and I went to costa vida beforehand and it was delicious. I loooove that place. And those girls. 

My favorite surprise of the night was that even though I left my kitchen a complete disaster (I seriously was going to clean it during Brady's nap time and then ended up working on visiting teaching stuff the entire time), I came home and it was totally clean! The sink and counter full of dirty dishes were all spotless and the dishwasher had that glorious green "clean" light on it. I mean, honey even scrubbed out the crock pot and wiped down the table and countertops and did the floors too! Last time I went to the temple, I asked him to clean the kitchen while I was gone.  This time I thought nothing of it until I walked in and was overcome with gratitude. I ran back to the bedroom to thank him and kiss him before he fell asleep. 

I mean, if you had asked me "do you think Chris cleaned the kitchen for you while you were gone?" I would have definitely said yes because that's just the kind of thing that he does all the time. But since I hadn't given a single thought to my dirty kitchen, it was the best surprise ever. If my kitchen is clean, life is good. 

It was a wonderful night. 

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