Monday, August 24, 2015

Took too long

Monday 8.17.15

Brady has always reminded me of a dog. He runs and walks like a puppy and his face lights up like a puppy, and he's inquisitive and naughty like a puppy. But this morning... He reminded me of a cat. He just recently learned of these warm, bright spots on our floor and calls them "the hot."  "Mom, I wanna lay in the hot?"  That's how he asks most questions. He knows he's supposed to address me and he knows he's supposed to inflect his voice like a question, but he doesn't quite grasp yet how to switch up the words. It's so cute though. 

His love for Elizabeth knows no bounds. I can get him to do most anything I want by linking it to Elizabeth. "Brady, Elizabeth wants you to throw away her diaper for her/clean up your toys/put on your shoes so we can leave/use your inside voice because that yelling is too loud..." and on and on. I try not to take advantage of that too much, and I dread when he finally realizes that Elizabeth probably doesn't care if he cleans up his toys, but in the mean time... it's a great thing to have in my back pocket whenever he doesn't listen the first three times.  

Ironically, I was laughing about this picture I found scrolling through facebook while I was laying on a blanket outside and when I looked down, at least two or three tiny spiders were crawling all over my blanket. Ha. In the moment, I really did care that they were tiny and I was grateful for it! 

I needed a break from Brady. He consumes my days and my nights and is so demanding of my time and attention. I told him I needed five minutes of alone time. So I went to play the piano and I played one song just one time. And when I came out, Brady had gotten into my lasagna noodles again. Seriously kid? PLAY WITH TOYS!!!  Why is that such a strange concept to my kids?!  I mean, toys, that's why we have them. 

Also, food is for eating. Abigail will whine about how hungry she is but then just play at the table instead of eating. This time I told her to clean up while I made food. Well it took me two minutes but it took her about 45 minutes. Then the kids finally sat down to eat and they just giggle and play the whole time. Brady ate too and was done with his whole plate and Abigail's plate still looked barely touched. Except for the fork and napkin part...  That was at least another 45 minutes. Those nasty looking avocados? They were green when I cut them. I finally just took her plate away and send them to bed. 

I had Brady asleep by 7 and then Abigail was still procrastinating cleaning her room because she wanted to read books with me. But she can only read books when there's enough time so that didn't make sense. She took over an hour to finally clean up her room (which could have taken between 1 and 3 minutes. So, at 4:30, Abigail said she was hungry and wanted to eat and I told her to pick up toys while I got dinner on a plate for her. And she wasn't actually in bed til 9:00 or something? I'm no expert, but that's a little long for how little we attempted to accomplish. 

After kids were asleep, I used this Melissa and Doug toy box to straighten up this drawer. Why make a toy organizer with no lid?  Oh well. 

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