Monday, February 22, 2010

20 weeks

How far along: 20 weeks  (2.20.10)
Total weight gain/loss: +8lbs
Maternity clothes?:  still holding off...
Stretch marks?:  practically positive i'm seeing the beginning of them.  oh well, pretty inevitable right?  now is not the time to be body image conscious!
Sleep:  pretty good this week.  probably because i've been so exhausted!  dealing better with bad dreams.  had a dream about reoccurring stillbirths... woke up after the second still birth and was able to realize that it was a dream and once i got a good look at my big belly i felt better.  also had a dream that i had two red head boys between the ages of 8 and 12 and one of them hated his name so much he would even be happy to have his name changed to kaiser (my current insurance) or rusty (just random).  ha, i wonder what i named him. ;-)
Best moment this week:  going to the olympics with my christopher!!!
Movement:  i think i might have felt her moving around tonight.  i had to close my eyes and be very still and focus really hard... but i think i felt something moving around in there!
Food cravings:  sweets of course.  but really, i can crave anything i put my mind to!  still not taking it for granted that i'm loving food again!!!  seriously, i know it's ridiculous but i used to cry to chris about what if i never am able to enjoy eating ever again.
Gender:  GIRL!!!
What I miss: having energy to function in life.
Milestones:  i had a semi-friend ask me on wednesday if i was pregnant!  granted, she kinda mumbled it and when i said "what?" she was like "oh, umm, so, anything new or exciting going on with you lately?"  ha.  someone else also told me congrats, that she had heard the news from my boss and she'd had no idea.  um what?  i see this lady 3 or 4 times a week... did she think it was a beer belly?!?!  oh well, at least people aren't asking if i've got twins in there.
Theme:  the week of already being half way there!!!  wow things are going by fast!
Extra:  all week i barely got to see chris and thursday night chris got home at 10:45.  i only saw him for about 30 seconds in the morning before he walked out the door so i was really excited to finally give him a hug and whatever.  he walked straight to his closet and started taking off his suit.  i asked him if we could hug for a bit and he replied half jokingly "nope!  no time for hugging!  too busy!" and he's done this before and i knew he was half joking but half serious still and i kid you not, i started crying... INSTANTLY!  i felt so retarded but honestly i have no idea where it came from and i couldn't help it and it wouldn't stop.  he looked at me and just started laughing... and then of course he hugged me for a bit.  i can't help but quote to myself my favorite saying from chris's grandma virginia... because really it's true, "i'm going mental."


Jeff said...

Just put on some maternity clothes!! That is what will help people knowing you don't have a beer belly! And you will be SO much more COMFORTALBE!!!!! JUST DO IT! You'll be happier and feel better. Anyone else agree with me?

I'd love a post about your weekend to the Olympics too. Love you.

EmmyLou said...

You have lots of self-control. I'm so proud of you!

Sara said...

I don't know who Jeff is but I'm with him.

Put on some stretchy, roomy stuff. I think your nugget will thank you, too.

ok said...

you are adorable.

Also, one of my friends slathered on cocoa butter every single day and didn't get ONE stretch mark! I'm definitely goin gto try it if/when I ever get married and then pregnant!