Sunday, February 14, 2010

a glimpse of spring

yesterday was absolutely gorgeous!  it was 65 degrees and sunny... in mid february!  when the rest of the country (or at least the southeast) was covered in snow!  chris and i took the opportunity to go to a little diving, synchronized swimming, and swimming (the only thing we got pictures of).  we've been wanting to go to these events for a while but they're held outside and seeing as how this is the rainy season, it's normally too cold/wet.  well not this time!
just because i know you care, we didn't stay for all of it, but stanford was definitely beating cal (berkeley) when we left

my christopher, practicing to be a really cute valentine

can't you just FEEL the sunshine seeping through this picture?!?!

this is more of a side story not really relating to swimming, but on the way home (well actually it's constantly) christopher was telling me how huge i am and that he married a really fat wife and that my stomach is just like BAM! and so forth.  he really never runs out of commentary on the subject.  anyways, the funny part is that he walked away from me and told me to keep going because he "wanted to see what i looked like from far away."  what?  ha, so anyways he took this picture to document it.  i just happen to like this picture because it's mid february and i'm wearing short sleeves, a skirt, and flip flops. 

it was a good outing.


Jeff said...

You still look so tiny. I'm glad to finally see a prego pic. Looks like you had a great day!

Chris said...

Yep. You gotta love living in California during the winter. It's not bad having a tee time with the sun shining making it warm enough for shorts on the golf course in February.

Catherine O. said...

Look at that cute little belly! I think you're beautiful, Carrie!

ok said...

You are absolutely PRECIOUS!!!! Carrie I LOVE that belly of yours!!!!! Ahhhh!

Anonymous said...

I am jealous of your sunshine and I cannot believe Chris called you huge haha you are so cute and still so little. You look great! If I didn't know Christ I would say he was mean....but we know better than that haha Have fun getting ready for the summer!! I really wish we had your weather now!!

Anonymous said...

I added a T to Chris! HA! Sorry 'bout that everyone LoL

Sara said...

Your husband is full of horse pucky. I can barely tell you got something marinating in there.

This time next month, however, I expect to see Bumpdates.

Unknown said...

I don't know what I'm laughing at more, the burnt toast, or Lydia's comment. hehehehe! A good laugh to start my day out :)
ps: miss y'all's stinkin' guts!

Paige Taylor Evans said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl I've ever seen. I hope I look half as cute as you when my time comes!