Saturday, February 27, 2010

21 weeks

How far along: 21 weeks (2.27.10)
Total weight gain/loss: +10 lbs
Maternity clothes?: i think this might've been my last week of real jeans... but who knows, maybe i can pull one more?!?!
Stretch marks?: ugh.
Sleep: pretty good still. except that i when i wake up, my hips are always KILLING me! and it still really hurts to roll over.
Best moment this week:  eh, i dunno.
Movement: i can only feel something if i sit down at night and close my eyes and really focus on it.
Food cravings: sweets still and fruit... among other foods of the moment.
Gender: GIRL!!!
What I miss: my brain.
Milestones: i'm on the down hill of the 40 weeks!
Theme: the week of going crazy!
Extra: early this week i was doing laundry and absentmindedly brought my laundry basket up with my wet clothes (to hang dry) instad of leaving it downstairs until i went to take up the clothes from the dryers. well, i was on the phone with emmy and as soon as i got to the laundry room i was frantic (a little overboard i know) that my laundry basket was missing. i was POSITIVE that someone took it. i hoped they were just using it and would bring it back but the more time that went by i was sure someone stole it. i was SOO upset about it and felt so violated and had such bad feelings in my heart about why on earth would someone do this to me! i mean, i'm the kind of person who returns a lost dog, goes out of my way to tell someone they left their headlights on, and returns people's keys if they accidentially left them in their mailbox. i've done ALL of those things w/in the last week or two so why would someone take my laundry basket. well, they didn't. i got to my room with my clothes to discover it was sitting peacefully on my bed. thank goodness for that. but then i was overwhelmed with fear about how real it seemed. am i a crazy person that can't even take care of myself or function normally in society? i've been told it only gets worse and i'm pretty sorried about that.

a couple nights ago i was in my room, waiting for chris to finish up his homework so we could go to bed. well, at 12:15 i finally asked chris if he was almost done. he said it would be at least another hour and that i could go to bed without him if i wanted. i thought i should do that since i've been so drowsy during the day lately so i thought about it in my head, turned around, switched off the lights, and got in bed. not a single word to chris. i know i'm a habitual person and it was really out of the ordinary for me to go to bed without chris but i mean, i didn't say a single word to him! no "i'm going to sleep, no goodnight, no kiss, no "let's pray together" or ANYTHING! ha, fifteen minutes later i was dazed and confused with an angry husband towering over my head wondering what the heck was going on! turns out he thought i was just really really angry at having to go to bed without him! i tried to play it off at first like i wasn't really asleep yet but when i realized that wasn't working (give me a break i was half asleep and not thinking right... it seemed like a good idea at the time) then i told him i wasn't trying to be mean, i just forgot. anyways, it was just the most bizarre thing ever. what other stupid things am i going to do without having the slightest idea that something's off?!?!

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