Friday, November 19, 2010

totally content

y'know how all the nice moms have cool swings and jumpers set up in their bathroom so their kid can really live life to the fullest while waiting for their mom to straighten her hair and put on makeup?

i'm not one of those moms.  this is what my kid does while she waits for me to get ready.  and let me tell you, she loves it.

looks fun huh?

ps- i made her stay awake for FIVE hours straight tonight while i went to the relief society activity and shopping at safeway.  yup.  5:45 to 10:45 pm and she was FANTASTIC.  if nothing else, i can sure claim my kid to be tolerant of my selfish parenting.  i love it.


Diana C. said...

I love that blanket she's lying on. So cute!

Unknown said...


Cindy said...

I love her big blue eyes. She is SO adorable! p.s. I am also not a "cool mom" who has the bathroom set-up.