Friday, October 25, 2013


Today was one of those days where I felt like I just kept wandering in circles around my house, not able to ever actually get anything done. 

But tonight my Christopher got back in town and we carved a pumpkin, put the kids to bed early, and were in bed ourselves by 8:30. Did anyone else watch blackfish on CNN?!  I'm gonna have nightmares for the next ten years probably but I'm sure it was worth it. It was one of those things that's so horrifyingly chilling but every time I tried to look away, I couldn't because my eyes were glued to the tv. I already want to watch it again. And see the beginning because I missed that. But seriously, did anyone else watch it?!

Also, my kids have done a serious role reversal from the beginning of the year. Abigail is the bipolar drama queen (last night at old navy?!  Ohmygosh. I was seriously worried someone would question if I'd kidnapped her because she was screaming and yelling and running like she was terrified of me. 100% cross my heart serious I thought someone would try to rescue my daughter from me) and Brady is the most happy go lucky kid ever and you can't even make eye contact with the boy without him busting up laughing. Regardless, I love both of those precious bundles more than words can say. So incredible. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hahaha there have been many times I swear somebody is going to call the cops on me for kidnapping my own children. 2/3 yr old tantrums are crazy!!