Friday, October 11, 2013

my goal is "soon"

i suck at blogging lately.  which makes me sad... because i am a much happier person when i blog every day.  when i blog every day, it is impossible for me to not see the blessings that surround me and even during the day (while i'm not actively writing a post) i am a happier person because i am in a different mindset.  blogging helps me see my kids in a different light.  it makes everything funny and a story worth remembering.  i feel like the main character in one flew over the cuckoos nest in the parts of the book that he's doped up on medication and everything is blurry and confusing.  i swear that "soon" i'm going to get my life back on track.  i'm going to keep my house clean, start cooking again, actually do a half decent job of keeping up with family and friends, and BLOG.  what i would give for a bottle of adderall...

so, my goal is "soon" and hopefully that means next week.  wish me luck until then!


ok said...

I love you, I miss you, and I miss your blogging. I don't even know what you ate for breakfast since it isn't on your blog. Not cool... :)

Lyndel said...

Good luck! Love you and I know you'll get back to blogging soon :)