Sunday, December 15, 2013


Honey went to ski day with mark and Nate so I was home alone with the kids all day. Like every other day in the week. We stayed in our pjs and played around the house all day and it was wonderful. 

Brady is loving the ball pit. Except when he starts drowning. Appropriate because Abigail is always pretending it's a pool. She asks every day if we can go to the pool. Not til that snow melts, baby girl. 

Sometimes I forget what I wrap. So I wrapped this present in code. I'm so sneaky. 

Brady is constantly eating hurt throughout the day. He already had a scratch on his cheek (can't even remember what it was from) and then he sliced it open again along the edge of the doorway trim. Awesome. 

I told Christopher I want to set our village up like this every year (when he was setting it up he kept saying never again because it was such a huge pain) because it makes this room pure heaven on earth. We just play our Christmas tunes and tackle each other on the floor. What more could you want?  I'll tell you... Absolutely nothing. 

Later in the day we noticed baby girl developed a rash on her cheeks (all of them... but I'll spare you the other pictures because this is a PG sort of blog) but thankfully it didn't bother her and was mostly gone by morning. 

Honey had only gotten 8 hours of sleep the precious two nights combined. So I sent him to bed at 8 something and then put Brady to bed and baked a birthday cake with Abigail. Baking with her is actually a ton of fun when I'm not worrying about neglecting Brady. We'll have to do that more often. 

It's going to hopefully look like a giant cupcake. I texted my friend to ask to borrow any cake pan that could be boyish or birthdayish. She recommended this gigantic cupcake pan. So I'm trying it out. It's my first time so hopefully it's not a huge disaster. But even if it is, I don't think Brady or baby girl will be picky about eating it. 

I had thought Saturday would be kind of a bummer since my honey has been MIA all week long and it would be my 6th day in a row hanging out with the kids by myself, but turns out, it was amazing. It's the season for wonderful. 

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