Sunday, December 8, 2013

Still Sunday

Abigail knows we don't watch movies on Sunday. Periodically through the day she'll ask "can I watch a movie?  ...oh. Because it's Sunday?  Is it still Sunday?"  Today felt like a loooong Sunday. It wasn't bad. It's just been one of those days that feels twice as long as a normal day. 

I don't care how frequently or infrequently it happens, any time I am in my seat before church starts, I feel like I should et a prize. Especially on snowy icy days like today when I got all of us ready for church by myself and carried Abigail and Brady (in his carseat) through the snow, from the car to inside the church... At the same time. I didn't get an award for that part but I felt pretty cool with Abigail exclaiming "you can carry two kids!!!" And asking me "are you the tallest?" Clarifying "are you the tallest mommy?"

Sacrament meeting was awesome. All three speakers and the primary musical number. Sunday school and relief society too. Is ant to go to choir practice this afternoon but got in my bed to lay down for a few minutes and accidentally drifted off and slept through the whole thing. Whoops. I only go because of my friend Shannon. If I was the ward choir director, I would want people to show up (even if they are lacking talent and ability like myself) just because. Soo, I'll have to redeem myself next week. 

I don't know what took me so long but I finally put our electric blanket on our bed. I blame that for my afternoon nap. It's like crawling into sheets fresh out of the dryer. 

Brady has been a struggle today. His third tooth up too has broken through and the fourth one is pretty close. Not sure which one of those is causing the difficulties but that kid was a beast to get to sleep tonight. But maybe also because of the late nap from 3-5. Can't wait for 9am church next year!  When we come back after Christmas break, we'll be meeting in our new building!  I'm so excited! 

Tonight I was hanging out with Brady and Abigail and Abigail looked at me all serious and sentimental and approached me with outstretched arms while saying (and you should read it slowly...) "mommy, I'm going to give you a hug because I love Elle."  I laughed out loud as we shared a long and tender embrace. Then I said "ohhh, thanks for this hug. I love you, sweet girl."  And still hugging me she said "and I love Elle."  She's like an emotionally abusive boyfriend. 

The dryness here is out of control. Our hair is staticky like there is no tomorrow and I keep slathering aquaphor on Abigail and Brady's cheeks. And really should more often on Brady's hands and the tops of his feet. Why are they so red and rough and dry?!  It can't be from rug burn or crawling can it?!  I feel like he's always wearing foodie pjs anyways. Autocorrect just changed "unsolved mysteries" to "I solved my arteries."  That's what I get for blogging from my phone. If my sentences begin with a capital letter, that means it's a phone post. All lowercase means I'm typing it from a real computer. Autocorrect or typos, just know that anything written here that is incorrect or something you don't approve of, I blame technology. It is definitely no fault of my own. I don't have faults. 

And because no one likes posts without pictures, here you go. 

Abigail wears basically the same thing to church every single Sunday. So now I try to alternate her tights, footwear, and hair accessories. I doubt I'm fooling anyone. 

The static is cruel to her hair. She constantly looks like a little homeless boy. I probably do too. 

I got this pumpkin soup recipe a few years ago from a relief society activity. It made it several weeks ago and it's not circulated to both of my sisters and my parents. Should you need a pumpkin soup recipe, I recommend this one. My favorite part is that it's super easy and requires zero fresh ingredients (I've used dried onion or left it out altogether if necessary.)  Y'know, so you can pull these things from your food storage during a blizzard or ice storm or freakishly cold temperatures. 

Abigail opened another book present tonight. She actually called it that. Maybe she'll be thrilled on Christmas to open presents that aren't books she already owns. Brady played with the tissue paper. 

We recorded and watched the Christmas devotional after Abigail was in bed, while Brady was being a pain/teething. I caught very small bits and pieces so I saved it to watch another time. 

Early in our marriage I really wanted to be poor. I wanted to be that poor married couple and I always called us that (although Christopher wasn't as humored "stop calling us poor. Why do you keep saying that?  We're not poor."  But there's just something cost and quaint about being poor. Nothing sells that lifestyle better than a Christmas devotional. I just kept staring at elder hales and thinking to myself "there's nothing like a Christmas devotional to make you wish you were poor for the holidays."  At least that's true for me. Anyone else experience this?!  That one story about the gingerbread cookies being as appreciated as the finest confections?  It about killed me. As do christmas stories that talk about an orange being the most delicious thing ever. I want my kids and myself to think an orange and a pair of socks is the best thing ever. Although with socks I kind of do. Thanks mom and dad for awesome. Bristles socks. 

But really, I just keep getting the abstract urge to move somewhere away from life. I need to go live in a book. And go to sleep. Stat. 

1 comment:

ok said...

I love you and I wish we lived closer so we could have play dates and I could pretend we each had one kid instead of you - 2, me - 0. That would be kind of fun. And we could go to Costco. That would also be fun.