Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Homemade powdered laundry detergent recipe

Annnnnd blogger app erased my fully written post again... Seriously?!

Anyways, a few weeks ago, I ran out I my homemade powdered laundry detergent (1 bar finely grated Zote, 2 cups washing soda, 2 cups borax) and it's been killing me to have to use the store bought laundry detergent I keep as backup. 

I finally got around to making more powdered detergent and did things ever so slightly differently this time. 

1 bar zote (microwaved, cooled, crumbled, and blended into a fine powder)
2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax
1 cup oxiclean (just for kicks because it was on sale)

*** I use 1-2 tbsp per load... put directly in with the clothing ***

I store it in an empty nestle powdered milk can and one batch fills the can halfway.  I finally wrapped the can in scrapbook paper so it looks a little happier. Its the little things in life. Also, I like that the soap is a powder consistency so I don't have to think about if I'm getting a disproportionate amount of soap shavings in my little scoop.  Because those things matter to my OCD self. 

If you're looking for the cheapest and easiest laundry detergent ever... Go to the dollar store where you can buy liquid detergent for 3 cents a load. 

But if you're interested in making your own... Go for it!  It's strangely satisfying. And super fun that it's pink. 

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