Friday, April 18, 2014

Mover and a shaker

I got a video monitor before Brady was born. So I could use our audio monitor on the newborn that stays still while sleeping and the video monitor on my toddler that did all sorts of stuff in her crib. I thought it would be helpful when we transitioned Abigail to a big bed. Which I anticipated being within a month or two. Haaaa. So we had it in Abigail's room for the next year and then in January, when she started sleeping on the floor of Brady's room, I moved the monitor in there to keep an eye on them. Sometimes they played games and read books and sang before bedtime and I liked being able to see and be aware of it all. Then last month, a night or two before my Dallas trip, I told Abigail she needed to sleep in her big bed. She'd been abusing her privileges and I didn't want Christopher or my mom to have to worry about sleeping arrangements while I was away. Well, it's been easier so we've just kept them separate. With the monitor all the way across Brady's room (I out it there so I could see the whole room if Abigail was up and moving around), I really couldn't see in the crib at all. 

Well, earlier this week, I fixed that and now I have a great view of Brady's crib. I had no idea how much he moved when he slept!  Countless positions. And watching how many times during the end of his nap that he sits up to look around before just laying down and going back to sleep. It's just so entertaining. It's like Christmas all over again. 

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