Saturday, April 26, 2014

We were all well behaved

Abigail and Brady were so great today. Which made it easy for me to be great too. Which was contagious so honey turned his headache into greatness. It was just really wonderful. Sometimes I feel like Abigail is spiraling out of control, which causes me to do the same. The past few days have been great though. We appreciate all of the moments. 

She occupied herself while I kept pressing snooze on my alarm. And then she hung out while I showered until the last part when I told her she could hop in. She snuggled in bed while she waited for me to get ready, and then let me blow dry her hair without a problem and get her dressed even though she was "soooo hungry!"  

Abigail has been doing better eating breakfast. The trick? Her preferred breakfast is the same as mine. She wants her eggs on top of her toast. I live it because it guarantees that she won't eat all of her toast ad then tell me she's too full for eggs. It's a win win. 

We woke Brady up at 9:45 and I snuggled him for several minutes before getting him dressed. I'm finding it helps me recharge my patience and love and energy but it also helps Brady adjust to being awake and not staying sensitive for long. He's doing well these days wandering around the house and busying himself with exploring and making messes. 

We got to the playground at 10:15, which has got to be a record for us getting out of the house that early without any stress or yelling. It's probably because of all the time I saved from not feeding Brady breakfast. Bananas are our ultimate food on the go. 

Turns out, both kids still fit in the swing together. They probably would have for way better back to back but where's the fun in that?!  Brady wasn't thrilled at being confined. Also, it was a bit of a struggle getting him out and I was afraid for a minute that my kids would be stuck there forever. Don't underestimate the power of a kid that knows how to bend and wiggle their legs out of a swing. Brady and I were not really working together on that one. 

Brady has developed a fierce love of the outdoors. He loves the wandering and climbing and adventure. He also loooves slides and went down all five (?) of them multiple times. His favorite was this super tall curly slide. 

As long as I sent him down on his belly, he was happy as could be. 

Just walking away like it's no big deal. 

And then he took a freaking 4.5 hour nap until I finally woke him up at 6:15. He was so wiped out. 

We hung out and ate and went on a walk around the neighborhood while honey and I talked and the kids sang together and laughed at every bunny they saw (I'd be really curious to know the local bunny population) and it was just great. Honey got pulled over today. He doesn't have the greatest record and he breaks all the rules in the book... It drives me crazy. Luckily today he got off with a warning... For driving 35 in a 55 zone. He had been driving slowly while trying to find the address for one of his meetings and the cop told him that he was a hazard to other drivers. Honey said she wasn't at all amused by this but we sure had a good laugh about that one. 

Also, I'm still waiting for the plants around here to figure out this whole springtime thing. Behold this tree honey butchered last fall. I know it'll come back super full and huge but I'm getting impatient for it to not look so naked anymore. 

Normally I beg honey to put the kids to bed because they're falling apart and I have no more patience with them. Today I asked honey if he's clean up the kitchen while I put the kids to bed. He was all "what?!  are you sure?!". But I just wanted mire time with my kids and that opportunity to debrief with abigail about the day and I was just so annoyed with feeling like I'm constantly having to clean up. I mean, I felt like my old self for a bit. Abigail was crying (because she's a complete wreck when she's tired... Reminding me how emotionally unstable I am when I'm pregnant) while we brushed teeth and whatever but it didn't phase me. And Brady wasn't tired yet (because of the long and late nap) but I just rocked him and sang to him for a long time until he was calm and ready to get in his crib. 

I feel like a bipolar parent these days.. although mostly on the angry, unenjoyable side of the spectrum... that I'm just so grateful I haven't completely lost that part of me that enjoys every minute of being a mom. With one kid, that was me. Currently, that is not me. So tonight I have a thankful heart that today, that was me again. I felt like my old self again and it was a welcome relief. 

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