Friday, April 11, 2014


Thursday morning, my parents left me. It was a little heartbreaking and I knew I'd need a good day to help me through. Luckily, the weather was working to my advantage. 

Abigail was still in her pjs as we waved goodbye to my parents. Brady was still asleep in his crib. Instead of heading inside for breakfast and to start laundry of the guest sheets and towels, we stayed outside. I got the monitor and we just hung out in the yard until Brady woke up. 

After we fed him and the kids got dressed, we went to the back yard to play. And then I started cleaning up around the irises. One thing led to another and I was able to do yard work while I ignored my children. In a good way. When I was in Texas, I spent two hours with my dear friend Carolyn. I admired the way she mothered her children and resolved to try to be more like her. More laid back... Letting kids make messes and do their thing... Without the intervention that comes from micromanaging every little thing. 

The kids and I were outside from noon to two. We played hide and seek a bit, but mostly the kids rolled around in the dirt while I did yard work and gardening.

Then I took Brady upstairs for a bath and a banana and put him down for nap. Abigail and I stayed out for another two hours and finally came in around 4. Abigail stripped down and immediately got in the bath in my bathroom while I scrubbed her clothes and Brady's and started a load of laundry. Then I jumped in the shower myself and when Abigail joined me, I was able to really scrub her down. 

When Brady woke up, we all got a quick something to eat and headed to hobby lobby to get quilting gloves for my mother in law (don't bother... They don't carry them anymore. And neither does Michael's or Joann's... I checked) since honey wasn't getting back in town til after ten and we needed something fun to do. 

I found this table I want for our entry way. 

And Abigail has discovered that she loves looking at furniture as much as I do. And so does Brady. They were in heaven trying out the kid chairs and benches and whatever.  We stayed until closing and both kids were throwing tantrums as we ceremoniously exited the store. Who knew hobby lobby would be such a hit with them?!

When we got home, it was after 9, and Abigail was a wreck. She doesn't nap and so if I keep her up late, she turns into a sobbing mess, crying about anything my pregnant self would cry about. She was trying to eat but was just crying about everything. Finally she said "I'm having a rough night. Can I just go to bed now?"  Ha. She was crying as she dragged herself upstairs. "I'm just sad. And I just really want to go to bed now."  I like her having a later bedtime when it stays light so late and it's warm outside but we may have to bring back the 7:30 bedtime again because she's been struggling hardcore lately after 8pm. 

So both kids were eager for bedtime and went right to sleep. And then my honey finally got home. I get so excited to have him home with me after he's been traveling. 

It was a good day. 

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