Thursday, May 22, 2014

Elle, Lucy, and Brady

Basically, Brady wants to be a big kid and is obsessed with hanging out with Abigail and her friends. 

The girls had toys out in the great room, and completely trashed both Abigail's room and the playroom. Surprisingly though, both girls were actually really efficient cleaning up!

This was halfway through the cleaning process. I went to take a few things downstairs.

And when I came back they were all "look! We're making a tower!"  Ha. And we got almost the entire playroom cleaned up too.

I actually made dinner tonight... Which never happens. It was my first time making this recipe. It's our best bites... I thought it was delish. I followed the recipe (except that I always guess measurements) but left out the green onions because I never have them and never miss them. Oh, and I added more cheese... By genuine accident.

I also served steamed broccoli. Because we never eat broccoli but we should because it's so good for you. One serving has around 5g protein and 5g fiber and 220% of your calcium for the day. Abigail asked if she could take the leftovers outside to snack on. Well, she and Lucy went to town on their snack. Steamed broccoli... 100% naked, not even salt added.

Funny kids. Also, does anyone have any recipes with broccoli?  My preferences are that the recipe is easy and uses fairly basic ingredients. Bonus points if it is some sort of casserole or something that bakes.

Those tiny little speckles are cows, which Abigail always likes to tell me look like horses. They're at the fence which marks the property lines designating where the town homes will be built. Words can't express my love for these cows grazing behind our home.

I took three pictures of this guy. The first was a weird smile from the way he says "cheese" every time I point my phone at him. The third was him doing the face he makes all day long when he's doing his whine that means "no."  This was the middle picture. It's just him in all of his sweetness.

Sidewalk chalk. Abigail got so excited when I got it out and kept telling me about how that's what she did with aunt Emmy. Also, Abigail kept throwing them and breaking them so I told her she could only use the eggs shaped ones that don't break. Now she's going to tell that to every stranger she meets.

Brady was only interested in the egg shaped ones because they look like balls. He would color a stroke or two but mostly just kept throwing them. Are boys really hard wired to love balls and sports?  I didn't believe it until now but after seeing Brady I'm at a loss for any other explanation to explain this obsession.

Brady can't get enough of Abigail. He wants to play with her (and her friends) all day long and whines and cries when I take him away.

Tonight I told him to say goodnight and he five into Abigail's arms for a hug. Then they couldn't stop snuggling and giggling and cuddling. And of course he arched his back and grabbed the door frame and threw a fit when I picked him up to leave.

Abigail really lives Brady, but Brady's love for Abigail is just unparalleled.

I'm worn out. 

Ps- I hate making dinner. Seriously biggest waste of time ever. If I lived alone, I would only eat things that could be prepared and cleaned up in less than 7 minutes. I keep praying and hoping that someday I might enjoy the process. Until then! 

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

here's a recipe with broccoli that i was going to try this week: