Saturday, May 17, 2014

Swimming and girls night

This morning we all took it easy before heading to home depot and getting new lightbulbs for our laundry room and then going swimming at the indoor pool. It had a super fun water slide. I really love water slides. Abigail and Brady went down a bunch. Brady was freaking out the instant he saw the pool but an hour later, he was a total water baby. Good because I plan on living at the pool this summer.

On our way home we super spontaneously (like Chris cut off three lanes of traffic as he swerved to make a right turn) stopped at a burger place for lunch. I got the Colorado burger minus the pepper jack and it was superb. Just provolone, bacon, and guacamole. I didn't add a single thing to it and it was perfect. Also, the chocolate shake was to die for. It seriously tasted just like the ones at chick fil a. Best chocolate shakes ever. 

We came home and Brady went down for a nap, I took a shower and then hung out in bed, Chris took a nap, and Abigail played on her own. 

Then Andrea picked me up to carpool for our girls night out. We went out for pizza and then gotcha. As always, so much fun. I left at 5:45 and got home after 11. My honey is wonderful. He took the kids on a walk and did all of that stuff, plus cleaned the whole kitchen and great room. My love abounds for that guy when the first thing I see upon walking in the door is the "clean" light lit up on my dishwasher. I couldn't care less about flowers... a clean house is my love language. 

It was a wonderful day. 

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