Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pretend Saturday

Today I woke both kids up at 9:30, took them to my in laws, and headed to my camp cook meeting. It was from 10:30 to 1 and the kids and I didn't get home til almost 2. Brady fell asleep in the car and woke up immediately upon turning off the car but luckily I put him in his crib with a binky and he played around for a long time and eventually dozed off. Abigail watched max and ruby and then we read books. I woke Brady up at 5:15 and the kids shared a banana while we headed to the store.

Waking Abigail up this morning.  

She's always telling me she needs to rest. So I frequently find her around the house doing stuff like this. 

Thank goodness Brady went back to sleep in his crib (he is such a different kid than Abigail.... She would have never in a million years done that. No chance if she'd already slept for even a split second!) but poor guy that I had to wake him up twice in one day. 

I put Abigail in the cart and turned around to get Brady. Of course it only took her about two seconds to snuggle up in the cart. She also kept asking me "where can i rest?!  will you hold me?" multiple times as we were getting the last of our things and i found her laying on the floor at Walmart when the cashier was ringing up my groceries. Does she just enjoy slowing  down and snuggling up or do I need to worry about her being iron deficient or something?  Also, she goes through phases but lately she's frequently been asking at dinner time if she can go to bed yet. Does she need more sleep? Or better quality sleep? Or is this just something she likes to do for kicks? It's happening frequently enough that I'm starting to get suspicious. 

I bought so much stuff at Walmart I literally was trying to figure out how I would get it in my cart, through the cashier, back in my cart, and then out to my car. The cashier lady had a genius idea to put purchased groceries in an empty cart. Great except that she didn't put any underneath so there was nowhere to put Brady. Some teenager boy cheerfully helped me out to the car and asked why I had so much food. "Are you having a barbecue this weekend?"  Umm no, but I guess with multiple watermelons and bags of Doritos and boxes of Capri sun, that does look like a more viable explanation. I price
matched everything except for five items... Teething tablets, 2 loaves of French bread on sale for $1!, an avs hoodie for Brady for next season that happened to be on sale an in his size, and another thing or two I can't think of right now. I turning into a pretty savvy shopper. I used to only price match milk but now I go crazy with it. Cereal for $1.49, milk for $1.69, watermelons for $1.50, diapers for $5... And I even used four coupons which saved me another four dollars. I think the only thing I paid full price for was those teething tablets. And it pained me to do so. I try to tell my honey how much money I save him but he doesn't know enough about prices to be impressed. So I just bask in the glory of all my cashiers always saying "wow! You're a really smart shopper!  These are amazing deals!"  It's the little things. Also, in case I didn't mention it before, we got a free fridge from someone in our ward and I have so much extra room for food.  

It. Is. Amazing.