Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Sunday

Today was great. Church was awesome. All three hours. Especially relief society though. We split into groups and talked about our strategies for things like prayer, scripture study, fhe, etc. and I met two new people. One was an old lady from Atlanta that knows dad (surprise surprise) and the other was the sister of one of Chris's friends.

After church we ate and declared it naptime. Not sure why, but Brady woke up crying an hour later, which was super confusing to me in my groggy, sleeping state of mind. But eventually I rolled myself out of bed and got him up. I set him in the great room where Abigail was playing and then I went back to bed. The plan was just to lay for a few minutes while my mind woke up. But I was so exhausted that I fell back asleep for another hour or something. When I woke up, Chris was already awake and gone to his home teaching appointment, Abigail was playing on the floor, Brady was roaming around, and I had a pair of flip flops on my bed strategically placed about ten inches from my head. 

Brady kept grunting/whining (it's his signature sound) and gesturing to me so I eventually got out of bed and followed him to the kitchen where he picked up the shoes I'd worn to church, and he proceeded to put them on my feet.

And then tried to open the door for us to go outside. It's pretty much his only goal in life right now. Well, and balls.

Eventually we all got dressed and honey got home from home teaching. And we played on the driveway a bit and then went walking. The cottles were outside so we hung out with them for pretty much forever until after seven when it was time to get back home to feed the kids and put them in bed.

And then honey and I hung out and cleaned the kitchen together which is pretty much my epitome of perfection. For some reason, when I was single and trying to imagine life with my future husband, I would imagine us hanging out and doing dishes together after dinner. Weird but true. 

So basically, today was amazing. And I'm so excited to spend Memorial Day tomorrow with Chris's family. And then to take the kids to the pool this week. And get some new books from the library. And dessert with our friends. And hosting book club on Thursday. And honey's softball game. And other fun stuff. Sometimes I'm not super pumped about summer because, well, spiders. And I've developed an intense love for fall and winter and spring. But thankfully, right now I'm pretty excited about summertime too. 

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I Have been catching up....i missed a lot. We love you guys and miss yall so!!